The Dink Network

Zach the Marine Extras

A graphic improvement to Zach the Marine.
In this pack are new item pictures and new firing graphics.

Thanks to Chaotic for making Zach the Marine.
Released:January 17th, 2008
File Size:368.41 KB
Release Notes:this update adds a read me and some more stuff
pleas read the read me befor installing

1 of the new things is idle psi(or was it pis)
blades replacing the sword graphics

if you make more graphics pleas tell me befor posting and wait for my disiton(yes or no)

i cheak my emails evey day excepet for sundays(nz time)so you will get a reply in about a few hours or minits
June 18th, 2014
Score : 3.0 tolerable
Whoa. Is this the first graphics replacer released for Dink? Where are my HD burning firs and headless ducks? Actually, redink1 released 'Flower Blood' in 2001, which would probably get the honour. Still, it is interesting to see a concept that is generally very common within modding communities, but has never been a thing with Dink.

This graphics pack replaces some graphics in Zach the Marine. Some of them look decent, like the new inventory screen. Generally they're paint quality, or copied from StarCraft. This file doesn't replace all the graphics in Zach the Marine, and there are some omissions that you'd really expect from a file like this. Come on, the status bar's the second thing you should change in an alternative hero dmod.

Zach the Marine Extras is also assembled in a crappy way. There are no installation intructions, and if you think you can just extract this into the graphics folder, you're wrong. I only managed to get these working because I'm familiar with the folder structure of Dink's graphics. There are extraneous folders in here, Thumbs.db files, etc.

It's an interesting idea by someone who I assume to be a friend of the author of Zach the Marine, but not very well realized.