The Dink Network

Basilisk Smile (The)

During a voyage across the ocean, the Dink's ship is raided by Goblin Corsairs. Fleeing in a lifeboat, he finds himself on a small, strangely quiet island...

*Winner of Failure D-Mod Contest*
Released:May 3rd, 2007
File Size:1.21 MB
Release Notes:A load of bug fixes (including the tree glitch) as well as a few aesthetic 'tweaks' to the game.
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
Let's Play (DSPT)

September 29th, 2006
Score : 8.0 good
Peasant He/Him United States
You start off on a boat that comes under attack. Dink is told to flee and he reluctantly does so. The action is quick to start and you do some exploring on the boat, but mostly you are just looking to leave and not die. Upon leaving the boat, you see the credits roll as Dink rows away from his ship. It is all very nicely done although the music choice was questionable (16 bit era RPG music).

You arrive on a small island where nearly everyone has been turned to stone. Upon searching around, you find one girl who is still normal. Slowly you begin to unravel the mystery of what has tragically happened to the island's inhabitants. The music upon arriving on the island is much better. Moody and original (as far as I could tell, although I have been out of the Dink scene for several years ). Anyway, the story progresses very nicely with lots of stuff to do for the length of the DMOD. There is no combat, but completing various tasks will allow you to gain experience points and skills to help you complete the quest. (I think they should have been called something other than experience, but it works none the less).

There were a few minor problems I noticed when playing the DMOD. Some minor hardness issues and walking on building sides, but nothing major. Upon dying one time, I noticed that I could walk around (invisibly) and talk. The largest error seemed to be a treasure chest that should have given me a vital item that didn't seem to work (looking at the source code was the only way I knew what the chest should have done, but I didn't see an error while glancing over the code).

Anyway, overall, the DMOD was quite good. Very moody, with some fun exploring and well thought out story.

This DMOD was an entry into the Failure DMOD contest. My ranking (excluding my own entry for objectivity) #2 of 7
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
Endings23redink1March 15th 2011, 01:18 PM
The music in Basilisk Smile is great!As well as its story.12pathfinderFebruary 17th 2010, 12:26 PM
LOL im invisible :P help please18WierdAlFebruary 17th 2010, 10:32 AM
stuck9Rossinator18December 21st 2008, 10:18 PM
Stuck on Goblins8KirsteeBabeeJanuary 9th 2008, 05:54 AM
Paragon?7MairuuAugust 18th 2007, 01:14 AM
help! stuck 13DreamwizardJune 13th 2007, 08:43 AM
Big bug in updated version3SparrowhawkJune 13th 2007, 07:31 AM
I'm Stuck6rajeshMay 19th 2007, 07:59 AM
im stuck 13docobiwanApril 14th 2007, 08:10 AM
Two questions14helpmeee....March 16th 2007, 01:29 AM
Stuck4Zer0131October 9th 2006, 08:48 AM