The Dink Network

Hard.dat Rewrite

August 26th, 2003
Score : 8.0 good
Peasant He/Him Australia
This file is a rewrite of the hardness quide that the tiles use. In many ways it is a huge improvement. As for installing, just unzip it into your main directory.

There are some things that can be improved: the hardness around the corners of the hills and the ocean to grass tiles doesn't line up smoothly. This is because the little island of green in the sea has straight edges while the little island of sea in the green has curved. But when you are mapping and doing corners you will need to combine these two areas often.

The demarcation between blue hardness and white hardness in the mountains is interesting but will mean any missile sprite fired from the top of the mountain will travel over the blue stuff and then impact on the join to the white hardness and thus never hit the bottom of the mountain.

If you make a DMOD that travels on what you will need to set the sprite (be it a boat or a swimming Dink) to flying mode as all the sea is blue hardness. Yet you may not want this option.

Those things aside it is a good file and far more workable and advantageous than the original.

8 out of 10