Opinion:This was probaly my favorite D-Mod yet.
Plot: Kill everything! (Sweet)
Graphics:Nothing new
Music: The music was probaly the best I've ever heared from a D-Mod! Gangsta Paradise fit the game.
Good: Nice selection of characters. A littl humor at the end without over doing it. This game is a good stress reliver.
Bad: This game gets boring after about 3 times of playing it. Waht was the point of the extra big enemys? They didn't do crap. There could have been a few more levels too.
Overall: Fun,Short,And Bloody,just the way I Like'Em. Nice one SabreTrout!
Plot: Kill everything! (Sweet)
Graphics:Nothing new
Music: The music was probaly the best I've ever heared from a D-Mod! Gangsta Paradise fit the game.
Good: Nice selection of characters. A littl humor at the end without over doing it. This game is a good stress reliver.
Bad: This game gets boring after about 3 times of playing it. Waht was the point of the extra big enemys? They didn't do crap. There could have been a few more levels too.
Overall: Fun,Short,And Bloody,just the way I Like'Em. Nice one SabreTrout!