The Dink Network

Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: The Town of Rakuna

From the COTPATD project. A guy at a campfire. Some slayers.
June 27th, 2005
Score : 7.9 good
Peasant She/Her Canada
We can out-drink most Americans! 
Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: The Town of Rakuna by Lunacre

The Good: A nice dmod, longer than I thought, with plenty of save bots and smaller adventures to go on. Nothing to taxing, but sometimes you just want to play a regular dmod.. Some nice scenery , lots of potions to be found and happily I did not get stuck in a tree once.

The Bad: The fountain did not heal. Dink kept saying ”I am healed” but nothing had changed (small point). Crazy slayers near the end…lol…well that’s only bad for me, as I hate those long finger-nailed monsters.. No new monsters to be seen, and I wish my sword and fire could have been stronger (hellfire, clawsword??)

Overall: Like I said before, a nice dmod that is fun to play. I hope someday the author makes an epic dmod along the same lines.