The Dink Network

eohippus's Profile

2010-05-26 15:01:48
Hi! I just joined today. I was looking around here late last night and thought this place looks like a fun and friendly place to to join.

I've also been playing the first Dink Smallwood game and so far reached level 3 where he goes into the forest. It's a lot of fun!! It reminds me so much of the old Link's Awakening I had years ago on the old black & white Gameboy. It was the best game ever (although I did try a few other Gameboy games and none came close to the gameplay or style of the Zelda one, which was disappointing to me). I also finished Link's Awakening 3 times (can't say that about those other games - too hard). Anyway, playing Dink Smallwood has made me remember a lot of the details of the Zelda game and so I'm doing pretty good and having fun. Thanks for providing such a great game for free.

And I see there are even more adventures to download.

I even watched those videos by Robj that explains how you guys make these games. It's very interesting and although at times I can be confused by computers, he explained it all very well. I think I may try it, IF I can get the program to work. I like writing stories so maybe I can try a story in a game format.