The Dink Network

Davidi's Profile

Peasant They/Them
I began game programming with RPG Maker 2000. At first I didn't have much persistance, but eventually, I started working harder on my games. I eventually moved on to Dink C and became very good at it. Blah blah blah blah, oh, blah blah blah. BLAH! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! Hey, were you listening to me? (Your line is, "your mouth keeps running, but all I hear is blah blah blah") Annnyway...

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2006-06-13 14:09:33
Peasant They/Them
Hey, all. I have started a new D-mod, Monster Island. Right now I have made several scripts that are completly different then the original Dink Smallwood. For example, you have individual coins and hearts(5 bronze will become a silver, 4 silvers become gold. 10 Small Hearts become one big one) and a game over screen that actually moves you to a different screen(In this case, Hell)

I'm still suffering from many bugs. Right now I'm trying to get the power bomb to work. On top of that, I need to figure out how to get the elemental swords to work. At least I have a few working monsters.(one of them can poison you)

Well, that's all for now.