The Dink Network

Dink Network Changes/Improvements
Posted by redink1 on Thursday May 30th, at 08:06 PM
A little bit has changed within the past couple days in relation to the message board, user accounts, and the comments pages. Plus, in the near future several new projects will roll out. To read all about these changes, read the comments page.

Changes Implemented

Accounts: You now have the option of putting in your ICQ, AIM, MSN, or Yahoo! Messenger contact information with your account. Icons for each IM will appear in messages you post on the board or on the comments pages.

Board: Primarily, you have the option of using your account password when posting messages to the board. This allows others to see whether a post was really posted by you or not. And if your account password is entered, your icon and contact info are displayed.

Comments Pages: Accounts are no longer required to post comments.

Future Changes

Messaging: Basically a way to send a quick message to someone with a Dink Network account. Not sure if this will be implemented or not... but I like the idea.

Ultimate FAQ: Where anyone can ask questions on any file, the site, or FilePlanet and anybody with an Account could answer.

Complaint Box: Type in a small message to the Dink Network staff, when something isn't right. Would be completely anonymous. So if something isn't linked right, say "this isn't linked right", hit submit, and the staff could see it and fix it. Could also be used for moderating purposes... if someone posts something that doesn't belong, send a quick message to the staff.

Review the Reviews: Not sure if this will be done at all... but those with accounts could give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to any review. Could have some uses... but isn't a priority.

Popularity Counter: Basically a counter for each of the files. There would be a Popularity section of the Rankings page showing which files were most popular overall and over the past week.

Web Game: This is something that was planned ever since December, but never got started. In fact, this is why there is a Points thing for every user that is unused. At the most basic level, it would be a player-fighting engine of sorts. Say, dinkaholic does something stupid, so I click on an icon under his name and fight 'im in Rock Paper Scissors-style action. Then it would announce that redink1 beat up dinkaholic (if I won) because he was being stupid or for whatever other reason. However, outside of fighting, I was thinking of a whole Dink-based web RPG of sorts... fight boncas, find treasure, do quests, etc. That sounds like an awful lot of work tho...

Let me know what you think of the upcoming changes... which ones sound really good, which ones stink?