The Dink Network

Dink Smallwood on iPhone confirmed
Posted by Christiaan on Thursday December 24th, at 08:04 AM
It has been brought to our attention that Seth (the creator of Dink Smallwood) is porting Dink Smallwood to the iPhone. What does this mean?

Check out the comments to read on.

First of all, there hasn't been any release date set, so nothing is final. Still, according to Seth the game is practically playable on iPhone. The only things that still need to be done are fixing up the GUI, D-Mod support and the ability to save everywhere.

This is awesome because:
1) you have an iPhone and can play an official version of Dink and all the D-Mods on it
2) you don't have an iPhone and now finally have a reason to get one
3) the iPhone gaming community is growing at an enormous rate, so think of the potential extra Dinkers that are going spend their time here!


Special thanks to our dear friend Someone for finding this.