The Dink Network

Archive - June 2023

Updated D-Mod: Periculo Island v1_2.00b2
Posted by redink1 on Tuesday June 6th, at 08:03 PM
Hello friend, would you stay a while and listen?

Our dear pal SlipDink is still here, with news and other good tidings. He has updated his seventh D-Mod, Periculo Island, to the version v1_2.00b2!

SlipDink says: "This new version represents several months of work. Thanks to the beta test team, this dmod should now be compatible with all know versions of the Dink engine. It also adds a few playability improvements, some new features and aspects of the game, some new sub-quests and the like, plus a few new graphical changes. And I also added a few more ways for Dink to die before completing his quest. "

Do note that Periculo Island does weight in at a whopping 108.3 MB - that'd take over 8 hours to download on a 28.8 kbps modem! This reminds me of a very old memory - the original Diablo demo came out when I was 12 or 13 years old, in middle school. For some sort of writing class (English?), we had to write a letter to a company, and I chose to write a letter to Blizzard to complain that it was impossible for "anyone" to download the Diablo demo. I just checked - it was just a scant 55.9 MB! Oh, how technology has changed so, so much.
New Dev File: Skeleton Gelatin
Posted by Robj on Friday June 30th, at 01:01 PM
What's this?

That's right, I've slipped into the back alleyways of the DN and broke the age old rule of of serving you some GELATIN, so you can have a strong SKELETON.

It's good for your bones.

It's good for your fresh dmods.

It's highly optimised.

It's the most bug-free barebones skeleton available with:
- Fully optimised dink.ini, re-structured, commented, and 130+ set_sprite_info lines removed (duplicates and other terrible ones that shouldn't be there)
- Robj's custom hard.dat re-write, allowing Dink to walk against things without encroaching into them too much. No where to slip through hardness, and all inner and outer islands & match-able beach tile combinations match with hardness too!

Read the dmod.diz upon install for even more info.

*Runs away into the forest, slipping away from the Goodheart guards*