The Dink Network

dinkulum's Profile

Other games I like:

Chrono Trigger
Betrayal at Krondor
The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian
MadMaze (the one from Prodigy)
The Rob Blanc Trilogy
Pakoon 2
Portal and Portal 2

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Private Message

2011-06-14 16:49:46
This place used to be welcoming, helpful and friendly now a fair wack of what is posted is bad mouthing, digs and nasty comments (poorly cloaked as humor)although one plus is people still help when they ask which is great. I wouldnt want to be a new person looking on here right now

I'm pretty new, and I joined because the site seemed friendly overall, and I still feel that way.

dinkulum has written 1 review

A nice beginning Smallwood-Man!NormalGood 8.0May 22nd, 2011