The Dink Network

Noa's Profile

Peasant They/Them
Well, I'm a 17 years old girl, I pretend to be a sane spirit, though deep down I know I'll never truly be one, and it shows.
(Did I just write that?! )

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2003-02-27 15:20:06
Peasant They/Them
EatTheRats, you've read my mind, it was only recently that I got a full report on how un-mature I am... well, not exactly, I had a argument... it was quite pointless, but anyway, I think that maturity is learning, and we learn each second, we think, we imagine... we experience!
So how can some people say others are less mature? I always believed that everyone are 'mature' some way or another... and there are many subjects you can prove 'maturity' in.
So that's what I think, 'mature' is just a word used by people who wish to brag about the social skills they learned. But we all learn and there's no escape from it...
Blahpf! I must be tired, look what I've written about one word, eesh, I am driving myself crazy...