The Dink Network

Exzcimus's Profile

Peasant He/Him Philippines
Change is constant, but Constants do not change. 
Some things about me;

1.) I love science.
2.) I am always curios and I spend at least 2 hours of thinking before going to sleep.
3.) Music is one reason I still wanna live.

Private Message

2020-04-20 14:41:18
Peasant He/Him Philippines
Change is constant, but Constants do not change. 
There's nothing little in this grandeur!

Exzcimus has released 2 files

Dink Wallpaper/Fan ArtworkFan WorkGood 8.8August 5th, 2020
Sci-fi SFXMiscellaneousN/AApril 28th, 2020

Exzcimus has written 2 reviews

This gives DS a totally different feeling The DiscipleNormalExceptional 9.7May 5th, 2019
Perfect for beginners. An Introduction to DMOD MakingFeaturedExceptional 9.5April 28th, 2019