The delirious voting for the 2003 Download of the Year has completed, and here are the results!
For the D-Mod of the Year... Simeon won with World of DinkC. Congratulations! It was definately one of the rare, excellent D-Mods.
And for the Development File of the Year... it was a tie between SimonK's Pilgrim's Quest Enemy Graphics Pack and my Trees. Congratulations SimonK and self for making graphics of wonderment and destruction. Ohhh yes, you know that my trees would crush SimonK's enemies.
And finally, for Miscellaneous File of the Year... drum roll please ... Mr. None won! Congratulations! I called him up on the telephoner and he responded with an absence of sound. I wouldn't expect anything less.
Well, that's it, see you next September for the Download of the Year for 2004.