Back From the Grave Demo - Pillbug
Back from the Grave
Can anyone please tell me how to get past the pillbug behind the fireplace in the Chief's house? I've tried squirting it with water and beer, which makes it squeal but not much else, and when I kill it by punching it, its ghost kills me before I can even move to get out of the way. I'm stumped! Thanks.
I wana go to a CLUB? Anyone else down? We can go and listen to some M.C. HAMMER!
Try to kill other pillbugs and then talk to Krum about them. Now you can kill the pillbug, the ghost won't appear.
Why is no-one bothering to notice someone with the username "WC" or even recognise his presence?
Sorry WC, you are the weakest link it seems.
Sorry WC, you are the weakest link it seems.
'Cause he's been dead for so long that even his ghost has decayed.
"Wishing ole WC was here right now, to put some of these newbies in their place"