The Dink Network


November 3rd 2006, 05:59 AM

I have a hobby. I want to share it with you.

Please share yours.
November 3rd 2006, 06:47 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
I'm guessing... Photographing?

My hobbies, I guess. Making games.
November 3rd 2006, 12:03 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Hmm... pretty good, but it needs more hot naked women.
November 3rd 2006, 02:39 PM
Peasant He/Him bloop
It's not my hobby but its fun, creating maps in warcraft 3 The scripting is very easy if u know Dink
I recomend that u all try it!
November 3rd 2006, 06:16 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
I used to make Warcraft 2 and Starcraft maps back before Dink. Those were pretty fun. I tried making campaigns for each, which was somewhat challenging given that WC2 maps completely lacked any scripting.

One followed the retreat of the original Orc army to the Dark Portal as they cut south from Lorderon, made a surprise attack through eastern Gilneas, then traveled by sea to smash through a Kul Tiras blockade with the help of the Trolls. Landing in Azeroth, they then had to steadily march to the Dark Portal while picking up other various Horde survivors... including a part where you where you exact bloody revenge on the Dragonmaw clan (the reasons why are explained in the story I accompanied with the maps, since you couldn't make your own briefings).

The Starcraft campaign was meant to be two player, but it was really too buggy to play. It basically followed story of a Protoss Captain under Tassadar who decides at the last moment to evacuate the last surviving Terrans on Tarsonis... the Terran commanding the remenant forces. The first three missions were all about the two players cooperating to escape from the Zerg. In fact, the second one is supposed to be a "hold out for evac" like in the Terran campaign... but it never comes. You're forced to activate and capture a Protoss portal that Confederate prospectors found and brought back to Tarsonis for researching.

Taking the portal, you end up on Shakuras and meet the Dark Templar, who are currently dealing with the Zerg (there was time delay in the portal). Your objective is to break to cut through the Zerg to reach the safety of the Dark Templar city. Unfortunately, when you finally arrive... a whole fudgeton more of them arrive on the planet and utterly destroy the city.

The next part had a mini-level for each player... the Terran player was found near death and rescued by a UED Wraith Squardron, who had been monitoring the conflict on Shakuras. Due to the player's keen survival and command skills, he is offered a possition in the UED in one of those deals he can't refuse. The next mission they let the player test out the Goliath MkII, a beefed up version of the designed to to be as much of an anti-ground weapon as an anti-air weapon. You get to have a bit of fun with Dominion remenants on Braxis. The Protoss player is less lucky... and somehow finds himself trapped in the body of a Zerg Hunter-Killer (and a limited link to the Zerg conciousness), a result of a UED experiment. The scientists allege it was the only way they knew how to save you... but of course, they're still keeping you prisoner. Thankfully, you bust loose of your UED prison and with the help of the Dark Templar.

The next few missions had multiple ways of playing, as your former ally was now your potential enemy. As a strange Protoss-Zerg hybrid, it becomes clear that you have control over Zerg... and may be as pontentially deadly as Kerrigan herself. You must fully escape the UED... and decide what to do with these growing powers. Fight Kerrigan alongside the Protoss heroes? Join her? Or kill 'em all and be the biggest badass in the universe?

As a Terran and a conscripted commander of the UED... your former friend has been converted monster and perhaps a biggest new potential threat to or greatest hope for galaxy. Do you try to smash him then and there, or do join up with him yet again and aid his acendancy?

I thought they were interesting concepts, but they didn't exactly quite work out. They were fun to think up, write for, and map, though.
November 3rd 2006, 06:22 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
Well, I guess writing poetry could be counted as a hobby...


and also 3d art...

November 3rd 2006, 06:26 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Some great models there, Carrie.

Oh, I forgot. I also make digital music and I draw stuff from time to time.
November 3rd 2006, 06:32 PM
Peasant He/Him bloop
Interesting Striker
I've also always made campaigns... Never finished one though...
My brother bought warcraft 2 back in '96 and we did get that awesome game manual, including all different of clans and nations. I always tried to make a campaign based on the remaining troops under the command of Kilrogg Dedeye. The scattered bleeding hollow clan and their journey back to draenor. It was kinda hard to make campaigns here however, because you couldn't link each map...

Later, '98, my bro bought starcraft. After playing trough the campaign where Mojo, the protoss captain with help from some terrans hunted the scavanger and smuggler Allan Schazer, I made a campaign based on that story. Allan had escaped, and the hunt was on again. Simple and boring story

After a lot of map-making in those games, wacraft 3 was released. I finished the main campaign, and started my own maps...
November 3rd 2006, 06:42 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Yeah, ever since I learned how to effectively play RTS (mainly Starcraft), I've wanted to get WC3... but I haven't seen it in stores lately, or at a decent price.
November 9th 2006, 10:52 AM
Peasant He/Him
my hobbies include:

Attempting to make maps in a corrupted version of UnrealEd
Attempting to play a corrupted version of Unreal

Collecting old computer games (currently at 120)

Making complex modular origami (I AM the origami master)

Attemting to make machciniema (Using GMod(When I am at my good friend house, who has a really good computer))

Trying to beat Monty Python and The Quest for The Holy Grail (The Game), been at it for at least 2 years now...