The Dink Network

How to get bombs?

Cloud Castle 2: Scarab

April 17th 2006, 04:23 AM
Peasant She/Her
Well, I've searched the other threads and there was something about finding a dead guy to the north east to get the bombs, but the only dead thing I find is a dead bonca and Dink doesn't say anything when he's near it.

I'm at the part where I need to get past the castle to deliver a package to Anbar (the wiz). I've saved the guy from the cliff, but then I can't find him anywhere in the village. (Bug?)

And... it doesn't help that this Dmod doesn't have any walkthrough.
April 18th 2006, 01:53 PM
Big misunderstanding there. First, you deliver a package from Anbar, not to Anbar. Second, you can buy bombs at Toothrot's shop once you've fixed the water problem. Third, you can blame me for the walkthrough problem. The walkthough is as over-hyped as this D-Mod once was before being released. I should have finished it a long time ago, but I need to get a new computer since I can't play Dink any more right now. I will try to use someone else's computer in two weeks, but the CC2 walkthrough curse is likely to hit me once again. Sigh.

EDIT : So, um, to clarify things, the dead guy is in the water caves and you can't deliver the package right now, because you can't get to the oasis until you've finished the water caves main quest.
April 19th 2006, 02:05 AM
Peasant She/Her
Hm, anyway it's the quest where you have to get a package for him, lol.

So... how do I get into the water caves? I can't find Dertin or Alessa anywhere, I've talked to everyone but they keep saying the same things, and I've been wandering for hours now in the desert.
April 19th 2006, 12:17 PM
Let's see... When you first enter the town, you must find and rescue Dertin in the storehouse northwest of town. Then you must go to Dertin's house and talk to him. Then you must talk to Sahib in the guarded house, leave, and rescue the hunting party. Then you must go back to town, enter the Sahib's house, and get Alessa to join you. Then you must enter the Shaman's house and talk to him. Then you need to go to Dertin's house and talk to him. Tell him to go with you to fix the water problem. Jump in the well in the eastern part of the town... You'll be in the water caves.

EDIT : And by the way, Alessa will leave you when Dertin joins you.
April 20th 2006, 04:52 AM
Peasant He/Him
Bombs are sold in the shop once you've sold the problem of the water shortage.
April 21st 2006, 10:50 AM
Peasant She/Her
Hmm, ok thanks people. I finally found out how to rescue Dertin. *mutters*

Great game btw.