The Dink Network

No Ice Armor?

Pilgrim's Quest

July 29th 2003, 12:32 PM
Well, I got to that armor boy, and he asked me the riddle about what bees make milk. I made a few feeble guesses, like drones, and workers, though I had no idea what it was. Eventually, I gave up and just asked jeeves the answer, and found a lot of jokes about that...
So I loaded my save, and go up to the armor boy, and now my only option is to "Chat." I used my herb boots to dash through the firewoods with little or no harm, I've already went into the Land of Punz and done a bunch of stuff, but recently I was in a sticky situation and was looking for answers when I heard some more uses for the Ice Armor. It sounds like I need it. I do, huh? Does anybody have any idea how I could get to guess at the riddle again? Or get Ice Armor? I tried doing stuff that would send me down to the armor boy, like standing in the heat and taking damage, or asking the trader about stuff for the heat outside. No dice, though. I still can only "Chat" with the armor boy.
July 29th 2003, 12:44 PM
I have never played PQ, but I've looked at the file discussion board of it, and the only thing I can say about that riddle's answer is...that it got something to do with women.
July 29th 2003, 03:08 PM
Peasant She/Her
Everything in SimonK's D-mods has something to do with women. I bet the enemies in The Creeping Sands were female.
July 29th 2003, 03:31 PM
Peasant He/Him
The answer is at SimonK's website. As are the answers to all his riddles.
July 29th 2003, 06:21 PM
I know the answer to the riddle, what I'm saying is, when I talk to the armor boy, it used to say "Try the riddle" and "I'm not feeling clever right now", something along the lines of those. But now it just says "Chat" as my only option. Do you just lose if you make too many wrong guesses or something?
July 29th 2003, 11:21 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
I'm not quite sure what has gone on here... It seems you've not answered the Boy's ridddle, but already made it to the Land of Punz. How did you do that? You should not be able to walk around firewood without the ice armour, well that was my intention at least.

Please explain
July 29th 2003, 11:23 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Ummm... Creeping Sands had nothing to do with women... unless you count the bouncing boobies I pinched from SOB - darn, busted again. (Not that I make it a habit to pinch boobies)
July 30th 2003, 08:33 AM
Well, basically what I did is after walking around the catacombs for a bit, I found the town. I walked around and talked to people for a bit in the town. I was told by the trader to go see the armorer south, so I went south and found his house. I talked to him, with the whole ridiculous price thing, and he said he'd give it to me if I answered his riddle. I, being bad at riddles, made a whole bunch of bad guesses, and then I decided I'd go back to the all broken up house with the save machine and save (I didn't want to lose my progress with the other townspeople). So I went and saved, and then I closed out dink. I decided it would be funny to ask jeeves "What bees make milk?" (the riddle), and I was surprised when he answered it . So then I loaded my save and talked to the armor boy, but all I could do was "Chat." I tried doing stuff like asking the trader again about protection against the heat, but the armor boy would always only "Chat." So I figured, oh well, I just won't stay long in the firewood forest. So, I took my pair of trusty herb boots and dashed the heck through there whenever I needed to get anywhere. I would only occassionally take some damage, so at that point I figured the ice armor wasn't really important, and that I had just missed out cause I failed the riddle too many times. I was still able to run in, get to the soul man, bring the slurper in, etc, and sometimes I wouldn't even take damage on my way through. Weird. I'm thinking I should probably just start over.
(EDIT: I also realized I should mention, I don't use any cheat programs or any extra stuff)
July 30th 2003, 01:22 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Hmmm, something has gone wrong... 1) you should always get the riddle option until you've answered it. And 2) I thought it was too hard to walk around firewood without the armour. Hmmmm.... if you have that saved game, zip it up email it to me at and I'll take a look, as I'm curious as to what is going on. Other than that, start again if you want. You need the ice armour later on... to talk to the Ice Queen.
July 31st 2003, 12:31 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Okay there is now a fix to this bug... Patch 14 over at the PQ website. This patch is not a complete one... see the main page of PQ for details. Firewood should now be harder to survive in and Ice Armour riddle available until it has been acquired, and then not available again.
July 31st 2003, 12:14 PM
Yeah, I'm sure everyone wants to thank me for causing SimonK to make Firewood tougher... lol
July 31st 2003, 12:28 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
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