The Dink Network

Pollocracy eleven: Severe susurration

June 19th 2012, 02:14 PM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Almost three years after the first pollocracy we now have pollocracy eleven. Bonus edition includes commenting guide.

See the comments to read the article.

So, for those who do not know what pollocracy is: It is an article about the things people say about the polls. Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

Since last time we had 10 polls and the amount of comments that these things have been getting is quite impressive. Keep up the good commenting people! Here are some of the best comments of the last 10 polls:

Poll 201: Favorite form of transportation?

3) Walking because I like pain.
2) Public transport: nothing beats being harassed by local drunkards in the morning!
1) Personally speaking, I prefer to use a renovated hovercraft :3

Poll 202: Best place to buy food?

3) My city is evil and hates kittens, so I have to go two miles up hill to the grocery store in the nearest non-evil town.
2) I pick and eat only alkTree nuts.
1) I usually like to flip to a random page of "Green Eggs and Ham" and follow their suggestion.

Poll 203: Do you smoke?

3) Are you talking about tobacco cigars right?
2) I will if a fireball hits me, though...
1) Smoking is like fighting Seth before you've bought any weapons... Stupid, and sure to end in a firey death.

Poll 204: Boncas are:

3) You ever had a good Bonca Stew? Looks disgusting, tastes great. I recommend blindfolding yourself before eating it.
2) Their red butt is all visible and stuff
1) The purple ones are pretty sexy though.

Poll 205: Who embodies laziness best?

3) no comment - I cant be bothered I am way too lazy for that
2) I am laziness incarnate with a thin coating of flesh.
1) I thought I was lazy, then I realized I spent the last 10 minutes thinking up an answer to this poll.

Poll 206: You see a tree, what do you do?

3) Get slightly aroused. Revert back to your dendrephiliac ways.
2) That particular tree needs to reveal it's secret staircas to it's triollions of gold coins and beheadable ducks.(oyu know Tal's secret stadh(Shh.. don't tell him i know)))
1) .... oh wait did you say "trees"? i thought you said zombie elephants

Poll 207: Most fearsome monster?

3) Why isn't Tal on this list? Oh wait, I see! Rock Giant, eh? ehehehe..he..heheh
2) Long conversations
1) I only had to fight an Other (please comment) once, and I'm glad that's the only one in the game because it took me 8 tries to kill it. I mean, it would be fine if it was just the Other, but when it summons (please comment) then it's just ridiculous.

[I am 98.7% sure that the option 'Your mother' would have won had it been included...]

Poll 208: Should other DMOD makers be allowed to finish abandoned DMOD series?

3) There's no way that they could ever make up for the pain and the torture they've put us through for the endless wait for their abandoned series.
2) No, but creating fanfiction about them would be cool. Somebody should write fanfiction of Necromancer. I really want to see how well Goblin sex works in literature.
1) If people are going to submit sexy D-Mods and not finish them, then leave, then it should be fine for me to have my way with the series. And I mean that in every way possible.

Poll 209: Do you want to enter the throwback contest?

3) Yeah, I'm gonna enter, and I'm gonna win! What'cha gonna do... "Get angry for no reason"?
2) Is it reallya contest when I'm the pre-determined winner?
1) Maybe Aisle of Crotch?

Poll 210: Should other DMOD makers be allowed to finish abandoned DMOD series?

Yes, Poll 210 was really the same as poll 208. But on poll 208 I got a lot of responses like: "Yes, as long as the original author gives permission" or
"No, unless the original author gives permission". So I decided I should really have added a response like "As long as you have permission".
Unfortunately not a lot of people responded to poll 210, so I guess this will always remain a mystery...
It also didn't have very many original responses, so I'll just skip this poll's comments.

Which brings me to the last part of this Pollocracy: A little commenting guide, for if you want YOUR comment to make it into the next edition of Pollocracy. To maximize your chances of ending up in the next Pollocracy article try using these five rules as a guideline:

Firstly: I tend to choose for a little variety when choosing comments. So even if your comment is one of the best it doesn't necessarily mean it gets included. It also depends on the other comments available. The upside of this is that if you just comment on a lot of polls you have a good chance of eventually being included as well.

Secondly: Most people don't click on the link to every poll I post in Pollocracy to see what the options where. So try to make your comment comment on the poll's main question rather than on one of the options. It makes it easier for people to appreciate the comment, so it is more likely to be included.

Thirdly: Your comment shouldn't be more than 256 characters long, any longer and the comment will simply get cut off. I actually have included a couple of these cut off comments in some Pollocracy articles, but you can imagine it makes it less likely to be included.

Fourthly: No insults or personal remarks. I try to be careful with posting comments on Dinknetwork users. So unless that you can be pretty sure that the user in question can appreciate the comment too you should probably not comment on another user in the poll. You get a little bit more leeway when commenting on yourself or me but again I try not to post too many remarks about other users in general, so try to use that carefully. Also, if you feel the need to criticize the polls, commenting on 'the pollmaster/doer/maker/...' is probably more appreciated than direct personal remarks.

Fifthly: Try to make it somehow funny to read. People don't like boring essays.

Oh, and if you totally don't care about having your comment appearing on Pollocracy... Well you can simply ignore these rules I suppose.
June 19th 2012, 02:54 PM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand rumble
"Skinny Legend" 
Think I made a comment about Green Eggs and Ham, not sure if that was my one or not though. Ah well

Good to see these still coming out.
June 19th 2012, 03:09 PM
Funny stuff as usual. Also good guidelines.
June 19th 2012, 03:34 PM
Peasant He/Him Sweden
"2) Public transport: nothing beats being harassed by local drunkards in the morning!"

That one was mine... I haven't really commented anything the last couple of months
June 19th 2012, 04:13 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
I think I have 2 there. "Purple Boncas are sexy" and "Necromancer fanfiction".
June 20th 2012, 09:07 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
The Voice in the back of your head! 
2) That particular tree needs to reveal it's secret staircas to it's triollions of gold coins and beheadable ducks.(oyu know Tal's secret stadh(Shh.. don't tell him i know)))

2) I am laziness incarnate with a thin coating of flesh.

were mine IIRC and you didn't tell Tal i know did you?
wonder how long next Pollocracy is. hope i get quoted more.
June 20th 2012, 05:35 PM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand
I'm pretty sure I'm worth atleast SIX goats... 
I think the zombie elephant might have been mine.... Oh wait are we talking about our pets or the poll answers?