The Dink Network


June 11th 2003, 08:14 AM
It's the last day of school. Here I am, on the computer, in a dark corner of the computer art lab. There's a class in here watching random videos. I'm just chilling here because I have nothing better to do. I'm so bored.
They just installed Windows XP on the computers here. I attempted to install trillian, ICQ, AIM, MSN... nothing. I can't get through... I could install trillian on them when they had 2000 Pro. *scowl*
Oh, wow, Fight Club music. Loud.
Welp, it's five minutes later and I still can't get anything installed on these dang things.
AHHHHHHH! they turned on the lights. *hiss* I liked it better in the dark...
I have, as it stands, four and a half hours of school left. Then I'm free. Let's see... my summer schedule of crap to do.
1. Learn Perl. Scary as it looks, I think I should know something a little more functional than HTML.
2. Learn Flash... mmm. cartoons.
3. Start messing with the stupid A+ cert stuff so I'll be overly qualified for a job at Best Buy or something. *Rikku happy pose*
4. [something you can't know about, sucker ]
5. [something else you can't know about ]

Someone is playing on! Cool! not everybody at this school is totally awful!

6. Swim. Mmm. Swimming. Lots of swimming.

Whoever it is is watching Strong Bad. ^_^

7. Sleep. Lots and lots of sleep.
8. Redesign the Dinkswamp. *drool*
9. Play with DinkC... ho hum... not promising anything, though.

Someone is listening to "Another Brick in the Wall."

10. First things first... tonight, I pull an all-night internet binge with my cool canine companion, SuperWolfman (And Tal if he stays awake long enough... he usually doesnt). Ah, the joys of caffiene.

It's lookin' to be a good summer, people.

In other news, I beat Final Fantasy X this week. I want *more* final fantasy games... *drool* And I think i need to draw more so I have more things to put up on my wall. Yep.
June 11th 2003, 09:13 AM
Peasant He/Him
wow, your school has windows xp?
mine was to cheap to get good know, the 5 minute wait between sites, i hate macs...
June 11th 2003, 10:59 AM
Peasant He/Him
yah... good for ya... summer and soo.... and I gotta to much things to do..... i wish i would be a nromal dumb student But tommorrow I will have to go to russia.... to Moscow and leningrad later... after that ill have to go to usa.... washington, business to do...(really dumb business)... too bad cant say what ill have to do there .... . Wel... ill be in there about 2 weeks, then ill go to New zeland.... Dumb business again. after that to finland and usa again... well.... I guess..... does internet work when you are in the plain? Oh yeah, and in my school computers are....... Pentium 90!! Jezus.... 5 minutes to turn it on.... best game for it is.... Mario i guess... tried dink.... Computer got crashed.... lol...... I *really HATE* My school, my "summer job", and almost everything exept computers, computer games, internet and chips...
June 13th 2003, 11:21 AM
Peasant He/Him
WE don't have windows XP at our school, but we do have a superfast T1 connection for our computers.
June 13th 2003, 11:52 AM
We have a very fast connection in our school indeed, too, but only when there's only one or two users online.