The Dink Network


Run a D-Mod by executing this in the D-Mod's directory.
Released:September 16th, 2000
File Size:161.10 KB
Release Notes:v1.00
January 12th, 2003
Score : 7.0 good
Peasant She/Her
Purpose: This file lets you run any D-mod.

Installation and use: Install the file to the main directory of the D-mod you want to play. Run the run.exe programme and the D-mod will be started.

Good: It is easy to install and works fine.

Not so good: There are no errors what so ever, which is real good. But if you use a front end you can play any D-mod without having to copy this programme to the directory of the D-mod you want to play, and also edit a D-mod. And that without having to browse through the explorer. I question whether this programme is useful.

Overall: A file that is easy to use but superfluous.

Fit for: If you do not want to use any other programme to play a D-mod, this will do the job.