The Dink Network

Fate of Destiny - Demo

An entry in Dink's quest log. From the COTPATD project.
Ex-Deathevn's first Dmod, albeit a demo version to a full scale epic-in-progress.

Dink Smallwood is sent on another misadventure, with no explanation as to how or why he's supposed to be resurrecting an Ancient.

Released:June 9th, 2010
File Size:5.24 MB
Release Notes:Initial version.
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
June 14th, 2010
Score : 8.6 good
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Being a Demo, it's diffucult to tell as of yet what the full story is about, but what is given so far is definitely interesting and leaves you wanting more. Also, since Dink is forced to embark on his adventure without much knowledge of how he's supposed to accomplish his quest, or why he's even doing so, it keeps you playing, because you're not given every element of the story yet and you are a bit unclued as to what is going on. For this reason it keeps it interesting and actually gives a greater reason for Dink actually using a journal to detail his quests throughout the story.

Although there are no actual new sprites, there are some good uses of fullscreen BMP's used in the intro and journal, which actually add something to the Dmod. The existing graphics are also used quite well.

Definitely a well-mapped Dmod. You can tell the time was spent making sure each screen was detailed in this Dmod, none of the screens are bland and there is always some extra detail or something different going on that stands out, such as the unstable tunnel in the caves. The mapping is one of the main factors that can either make or break a Dmod, other than the story, and in my opinion the mapping was done well in this Dmod.

The sounds in this Dmod were used in the appropriate situation to add to the cutscenes and keep them interesting. The music was also used in the correct situations and fit the scenery in which they were used.

Overall, definitely well-made, only problem is that it's a demo and not a lot of the story was established at this point. Although because of this, it definitely leaves me wanting more.
I would give this demo an 8.5