The Dink Network

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

Gladiator minigame. From the COTPATD project. Here we have an extremely detailed screenshot of Dink trying to shake hands with Mr. Fire Pillbug. A scene from the minigame
May 27th, 2002
Score : 8.7 good
Well, im afraid that not many of you are going to like my review. basically, while i though that FIAT was a great dmod, its still too close to teh original dink to my liking. i mean, the same old graphics, same weapon animations. Nothing was really dont to this dmod which i would call groundbreaking. HOWEVER, it did have some great scripting, cool midi's (esp. the one on odvi i thought), and a neat-o storyline.

Full points to the author for making a HUGE dmod, with all the same things as were found in the original. points taken off though, for using the same old graphics. one of the most crucial things i found, which lowers the score, are hardness bugs. i find this type of bug very annoying, as it completely ruins the effect of the game, if all of a sudden the player walks through that very solid looking wall... but yeah, it was a good dmod, with plenty of cool features. pity about the bugs!. (the author can think the stars i only played the latest version, not the initial release!)