The Dink Network

Dink Smallwood

Maybe his cousin or long lost brother FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD
June 21st, 2007
1.07 Beta 3
Score : 9.3 exceptional
Peasant He/Him Australia
So this is where it all started. how dink became a hero if you wanted to say. well anyway the gameplay was great i like the story line and it's interesting it does keep you evolved you never want to stop playing. it's nice and long but not to long i really hate games that take months to complete.

The good thing about it was that it was a great way to start off the game. (for the mods) But there is one bad thing about it... The starting was boring a bit, but just a bit, at the start you had to get the money to buy the longsword witch takes a bit of time witch was not needed but that was about it

Overall i would give it a 9.3 great but not excellent but a great job for the people that made it