The Dink Network

Dink Smallwood

FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD Maybe his cousin or long lost brother Here fishy fishy!
August 30th, 2012
Score : 9.9 exceptional
Peasant He/Him United States
Making Topics off-track faster then you can say it 
Plot: Dink has to go do some chores for his mother then his house is burned for some odd reason. Then he decides to see a wizard he met earlier and then after doing his quest he starts his rise to become a hero who his mightier then even the ancients.
Music: All of it was in good areas at the right time though I would of liked some way to listen to some music more instead of youtube, but thats just the way the game is.
Time: It took about a couple of hours to play which was good for a Game with it's awesomness if anything it would do good to involve the icelands.
Personal: I think it was a great thing to play I would play it over and over if I didn't have other things to do, but oh well
Sword's Rating: He saw some of it and I think he gave it a good rating
Bugs: I only encountered one where if you have a fill inventory and you try to buy a bow you have to end the conversation and then Dink is frozen. I would like if that was fixed, but I dont care it's not much
Recommdation: Everyone should play it this is an awesome game which almost everyone would like, but sadly not enough people play it.