The Dink Network

As Good As Eternity

Massive amounts of gore and ducks
February 25th, 2008
Final+ (Rev 8)
Score : 9.5 exceptional
This particular dmod was one of the best i've ever played...The graphics were pretty solid, gameplay was nice (although some glitches like walking on water and not being able to get back on land or something like that) New sword, axe and magic feature gave a nice twist compared some other dmods. The amount of burnable trees in the game was somewhat annoying as it was quite hard to find secret holes and the such. Getting to the temple of light was somewhat of an annoyance when you acutally had to travel there, but had a nice level of having to think about some riddles before actually getting to the boss (which I must note that it was extremely easy because meeting a four wizards and that progamming disk made the silver sword ridiculously powerful). My only complaint is never getting the chance to go back (I wanted to do a whole lot more after the game was finished instead of looking at an end screen). All in all, this was a great dmod that everybody should have a chance to play.