flatline's Profile
Just a high school student/ Flying Pig entusiast who love playing Dink Smallwood
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>allikiten: But that is not human nature. This greed is the result of the development of our society through the years. And the result of this greed was the greediest system: capitalism.
true that. very true. If we weren't capitalists we wouldn't be as greedy, we wouldn't have someone that was richer to look up at and say, whoah i want to be like that. comunism has never truely happenned and was never technicaly attempted, so you can't say that it doesn't work.
true that. very true. If we weren't capitalists we wouldn't be as greedy, we wouldn't have someone that was richer to look up at and say, whoah i want to be like that. comunism has never truely happenned and was never technicaly attempted, so you can't say that it doesn't work.