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SuperWolfman's Profile

I have nothing positive to say about myself, so I figured it would be better to say something that says nothing rather than something that says something... which is quite the paradox, since the nothing I've said is quite obviously something.

Web Page
Private Message
ICQ 64806889
YIM SuperWolfman2k
AIM timmy_t_98
MSN superwolfman2k @

2003-05-25 04:28:59
My favorite books have to be the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. They got me hooked on fantasy. Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan is a must, as well as any of the Shannara books by Terry Brooks. Just about anything by Arthur C. Clarke is good. Also, Anne McCaffrey has quite an array of good books worth reading.

I could go on, but there's no point in listing things that have already been said.

SuperWolfman has released 1 file

SuperWolfman's Button PackDevelopment, GraphicsGood 8.7July 16th, 2002