IvanMZ's Profile
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I have this.
Select Case pMax!
Case pRed
pHue = (pGreen - pBlue) / (pMax - pMin)
Case pGreen
pHue = 2 + (pBlue - pRed) / (pMax - pMin)
Case pBlue
pHue = 4 + (pRed - pGreen) / (pMax - pMin)
End Select
I do not know what mean that sign at
the end of pMax (!), and neither when is selected each case.
Select Case pMax!
Case pRed
pHue = (pGreen - pBlue) / (pMax - pMin)
Case pGreen
pHue = 2 + (pBlue - pRed) / (pMax - pMin)
Case pBlue
pHue = 4 + (pRed - pGreen) / (pMax - pMin)
End Select
I do not know what mean that sign at
the end of pMax (!), and neither when is selected each case.
IvanMZ has released 2 files
Title | Category | Avg | Updated |
Debug Bitmap | Development, Utility | 7.0 | March 14th, 2003 |
DinkersPal | Development, Utility | 7.5 | November 18th, 2002 |