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Ric's Windemere Graphics with .ini files

Bite me! Big and black and very nasty! Splash me!
This is a DMOD to showcase Ric's graphics for the cancelled Windmere project.

I've renamed a number of the original graphics to fit the standard old Dink format of maximum 8 characters in the file name with the last two characters being two digits starting at 01.
There are dink.ini lines now for all the sprites, so they can be placed in another DMOD. Most of the added sprites are at the end, except for
the Dink replacement character, man1.

The dink.ini file was started from Robj's gelatin dmod, so follow the comments to find stuff.

I have replaced the original Dink character with Ric's man1 character as he did graphics for: walking, idling, punching, casting magic,
walking with sword and shield, fighting with sword and shield. It is interesting that the attacks vary between directions the character faces.

There are the following sprites:
Boss Skeleton
Big Spider
Small blue dragon - this flies and has idling graphics which I used as a base_attack series
Red dragon
Water monster - I updated the splash graphics with an extra full white panel so I could use them as blood for the water monster.
Two different woman characters, both of which have a physical and spell casting attack, the scripts for these randomly pick which mode the character uses
on being hit.

There are also trees, houses, doors which I have put into the demonstration.

I didn't use the various inventory icon graphics, but they are included.

Also included are Ric's original .blend files for blender for those who may want to change/render out other versions. As the original files were
released back in 2006 the file will open with blender ver 4.1, but with the window displays of the 2006 version, but they are interesting to look at.

NOTE: This is a Development D-Mod, and it may not have a quest to complete or a story to experience.
Released:August 14th, 2024
File Size:40.38 MB
Release Notes:I've updated my .blend file for the new Ric character so that the reference image in Compositing mode is from the actual DMOD so you can compare whatever you do with both Ric's Dman and the OG Dink character. I also added shoe texture to Dman, as it was missing, so rendered out revised Dying sequence.

This is a DMOD to showcase Ric's graphics for the cancelled Windmere project. - v1.2 with updated dying sequence and my .blend files.


I've renamed a number of the original graphics to fit the standard old Dink format of maximum 8 characters in the file name with the last two characters being two digits starting at 01.
There are dink.ini lines now for all the sprites, so they can be placed in another DMOD. Most of the added sprites are at the end, except for the Dink replacement character, man-1. I tried not to replace any of the original Dink game NPCs or enemies in the dink.ini edit, but ended up replacing the spike with woman2 graphics and removing the Dink feeding/throwing seed graphics. But to fit all the others in I went over the 999 sprite slot limit of boomer Dink and freedink. Both DinkHD and YeOldeDink support sprite slots in the 1000s, so use those engines to play this demonstration.

The dink.ini file was started from Robj's gelatin dmod, so follow the comments to find stuff.

I have replaced the original Dink character with Ric's man1 character as he did graphics for: walking, idling, punching, casting magic, walking with sword and shield, fighting with sword and shield. It is interesting that the attacks vary between directions the character faces. I did add a dying sequence in which I based it on the model in the wman.blend file Ric included in his original package. The textures and materials don't match as the original ones didn't come through when I imported it into blender version 4.1. I used Drone1400 DBT blend file to bring the model and it's armature into after updating the file to version 4.1 - and there are all the actions in one long action object, including the magic particles, plus the original character falling over in 5 frames. I extended this to 16 frames and tweaked the animation a bit and added a pool of blood.

There are the following sprites:
Boss Skeleton
Big Spider
Small blue dragon - this flies and has idling graphics which I used as a base_attack series
Red dragon
Water monster - I updated the splash graphics with an extra full white panel so I could use them as blood for the water monster, I like this guy the best.
Two different woman characters, both of which have a physical and spell casting attack, the scripts for these randomly pick which mode the character uses
on being hit.

There are also trees, houses, doors which I have put into the demonstration.

I didn't use the various inventory icon graphics, but they are included.

Included are Ric's original .blend files for blender for those who may want to change/render out other versions. As the original files were released back in 2006 the file will open with blender ver 4.1, but with the window displays of the 2006 version, but they are interesting to look at. These are in the graphics\dinkmodels folder.

I've also included the two .blend files I made: the first ( man1_41.blend ) being a straight open and save of the original wman1.blend file in blender version 4.1 and the second ( man1_SK.blend ) being my changes with trying to replicate the orginal textures and adding tweaking the dying sequence. If you want push or crawl graphics perhaps one of these files will be of use to you to generate that aniimation.

Currently WDED+ (WinDinkEdit D plus ver doesn't support any sprite slots over 999, so to view this demonstration dmod in that editor you will have to remove the loading sprites at the end of the file - I've marked out where these are, and included a file "extra-ini-lines.txt" so you can just select all those and paste them back into the dink.ini file before playing after editing. Tedious I know, but hopefully WDED+ will be able to handle sprite slots 1000 and above soon.
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)