The Dink Network

Lost in Dink

The premise of
Dink follows pleas for help a few days after beating Seth, and finds himself in a town that he has never heard of before. Also includes 3 other adventures.
Released:January 28th, 1999
File Size:943.84 KB
Release Notes:v3.00
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
September 26th, 2002
Score : 7.5 good
Peasant She/Her
This D-mod is in fact four D-mods: Lost in Dink, Kill the ducks, Dink Craft II and Coconut Monkey Island.<hr>Lost in Dink

Dink is lost, and he must find his way home.

Storyline: It starts really good, with sprites characters and tasks, but after that it all comes down to fighting.

Map and graphics: No new graphics, except for the start screen. The map is a bit empty.

Music: The music fits the situation.

Good: You get good hints from the people you are talking too, so you are never lost – as Dink is! –and you always know what to do. Before the end boss you have to fight your way through several screens: the sprites on two of the screens are really hilarious!

Not so good: The end boss is really tough. When the bridge is repaired, Dink just walks on the water; there is no real bridge.

Overall: A challenging adventure with a fair share of good humour.

Fit for: If you want to play an enjoyable D-mod.<hr>Lost in Dink: Kill the ducks

Dink is still lost in the same town as in Lost in Dink, but evil ducks from Sith have taken over and captured all villagers. Dink has to kill all the ducks.

Storyline: It starts out well, but after having heard from the prisoners what has to be done, it all comes down to killing ducks – the title of this D-mod is chosen well!

Map and graphics: No new graphics, except for the start screen. The map is a bit empty. Some of the map of Lost in Dink is used, as the story partly takes place in the same village.

Music: The music fits the situation.

Good: The ducks give hearts when they are killed. There are three end bosses; two for starters, and one big one! Dink can morph into a duck.

Not so good: The game crashed two times: once when killing the four ducks and the pillbug, and once at the end boss when entering the screen. I could not find any way to heal. Some healing hearts between the screens on which you have to kill all the ducks and the end boss would have been nice. And some savebots too.

Overall: A ‘kick some ass’ D-mod.

Fit for: If you want to fight you way through a D-mod.<hr>Dink Craft II

In this D-mod you play a troll from Warcraft II.

Storyline: There is only one quest. But you can also kill Milder and even Dink Smallwood.

Map and graphics: Both are from Warcraft, with the original ones for the interiors.

Music: Outstanding.

Good: It is fun to play with a troll from Warcraft.

Not so good: It is very short. The map is almost empty; that is because, as one NPC puts it, the author did not feel like it to put more sprites on screen. The stronger axe did not add any points. Not that a stronger one was really required, since killing the baddies is very easy.

Overall: A very short, but albeit nice D-mod.

Fit for: If you always wanted to kill Dink; this is your change!<hr>Coconut Monkey Island

Dink is on an island where monkeys have killed all the people. Only a girl survived and she asks Dink to revenge the people.

Storyline: There is not much of a story: you have to kill monkeys, that is about it.

Map and graphics: The map is terribly empty. The monkeys are new.

Music: The music is very good.

Good: After the short intro movie there is a start screen again. You walk towards ‘start’ and then the game begins.

Not so good: In the first house that you enter the furniture is moving rapidly and changing into other sprites. Although the monkeys are fun at first, they tend to get annoying after a while. Perhaps that is because there are so many of them and it is really hard to kill them.

Overall: This is not the best game of this pack of D-mods.

Fit for: If you want to kill almost endlessly, rather then enjoy an adventure, this is the one to play.<hr>Lost in Dink overall: A nice pack of D-mods, with probably at least one or two to your liking.
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
statues3FordGT40July 18th 2009, 01:32 PM
anyone cheatsfor mistry island now?????????9nishantMay 19th 2007, 07:26 AM
Run Lost in Dink5WolfApril 14th 2004, 07:26 AM
Just wondering if anyone is stuck in Lost In Dink1QuackersDecember 29th 2002, 08:26 PM