The Dink Network

Hack n' Slash

Seth Pie anyone? Hack with a magic sword Milder wants a pony
August 3rd, 2024
Score : 8.1 good
Peasant He/Him Finland
Hack n' Slash is a modification of the original Dink Smallwood, with many changes.

The main feature, which the title alludes to, is a new sword-magic. The spell allows Dink to kill many previously unkillable NPCs. One noteworthy aspect of the original Dink Smallwood is the player's ability to be cruel, and this change really enhances that. I think this is thematically an interesting direction for a D-Mod, and it certainly is a creative decision, although I personally dislike unnecessary brutality.

The second big and creative change is dancing. By collecting musical notes around the map, Dink can dance at various screens. This works as a nice counterweight to the brutality. Collecting notes makes exploring the map more exciting without unbalancing the game, as would happen if new power-ups were spread across the world.

Speaking of balance, this D-Mod makes getting gold much easier. I personally don't think that the original game is too stingy with gold (although the Flame bow is too expensive), but I can see why people think there should be more gold available. However, Hack n' Slash goes far too far to the other end: I had so much gold in my play through that I could buy all the weapons whenever they were available, including the Flame bow, which you can get earlier in this D-Mod than in the original game.

Another change to game balance is a new enemy introduced here: the mutant kitty. I think an enemy stronger than slayers is good addition, but in my opinion the kitty is too strong: it has two less defence than stone giants but over three times the hit points, and a stronger attack too! At one point, you need to kill one kitty to proceed, and it's much tougher than the boss fight that happens soon afterwards.

In Hack n' Slash, many conversations only happen once. I understand the criticisism towards the repeating conversations in the original game, as those certainly detract from the verisimilitude of the game. I still don't like this change: repeating conversations are a helpful videogame convention for players. If the game had some sort of a conversation log, this change would be much more welcome.

Another thing I don't like is changing the ducks to Seth. I don't really see the point of this. I guess changing the final boss into the weakest creature of the game is a joke.

The D-Mod has lots of new graphics; most notably Dink has new animations for dancing and slashing with the new spell. The graphics look amazing, as expected from Mr. Klaebe. New music and sound effects are included as well.

A great thing about Hack n' Slash is that it fixes various small issues in the original game, which shows how thoughtful the author has been. Some screens have also been redecorated, which is nice, and there is a new cut scene. Overall, this is a good D-Mod. I wouldn't recommend this D-Mod to someone who has never played the original Dink, but if a Dink veteran wishes to replay the original game, this D-Mod would be a great choice with its fixes and additions.