The Dink Network

Dink Vs. Milder 2

From the COTPATD project.
Dink and Milder duke it out again!
Released:June 10th, 2006
File Size:537.00 KB
Release Notes:Demo
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
June 12th, 2006
Score : 8.7 good
I answered the riddle on the first try, but I could see how someone could think it was hard. (If you're stuck: read the first line carefully, and consider who the subject of the sentence is.) Anyhow, I thought this game was good. There's nothing terribly novel, but there are a couple of good scripted sequences with lots of sprites dancing around.

Style: 8
The music is new, and although it gets annoying at points, it is generally well placed. I noticed one new graphic, which looks a little out of place. As far as I can tell, there are no new enemies. The decoration is exceedingly pretty, but the map isn't that big. The scripting is very solid: nothing broken, but nothing terribly involved. There is a lot of expository dialogue, especially in one cutscene; on this note, the cutscenes look excellent. Overall, the style is similar to Simeon's, but maybe with more humor.

Gameplay: 8
Again, very solid. It feels like a lot of time went into balancing this game, not just in terms of the fighting, but also the general gameplay. It's definitely challenging, but quite beatable without looking at a walkthrough. On the other hand, there are no weapons and there's only one spell (the venerable fireball.)

Story: 10
I like this story a lot. For once, Dink isn't just interested in saving the world; there's also a personal side.
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