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CyberDoc's Profile

Indy Developer From Hell

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ICQ 55751887
YIM cyberdoc243
AIM cybermd

2003-12-14 22:33:16
As a personal blog some stuff makes sense only to the aurthor, and some not even to him....
Once again we journey into the deranged mind of an Indy software developer....

Ahh.. The joys of starting a new project. I got it into my head to create a game for kids. Now for the fun parts. Trying to nail down the ideas, art, music, and method of building the game. Thankfully I already have a source for distribution. Its just a matter of getting it started and going with the flow. Not sure if theres a market for it or not but time will tell. Game to be 2D based with top down and side scroll. Lets see what happens. heh.