The Dink Network

A note on reviewing
Posted by WC on Saturday May 25th, at 10:10 PM
This is to anyone that reviews files on The Dink Network, if you don't review, or have no intention of reviewing, you may ignore this news post. (view comments for details)

First, I'm noticing a lot of people don't read The Reviewing Guidelines. If you don't follow the rules set by these guide lines, you are guaranteed that your review will be put into the trashed pile. But as of right now I have a soap box to get off of. Please, if you review, do not submit one line reviews, reviews that go no-where ("I like this d-mod, I really do, did I mention I liked this d-mod?"), and please, tell a little about why you liked/hated the file and just stating that it was a "good/bad file". It seems I've been trashing a lot of reviews lately because they seem to provide no merit, and are just plain worthless. Don't get me wrong, we have gotten some great reviews, but most now seem to be one line submissions from people just trying to get up the rankings list by writing crappy one line reviews. Ok, off the soap box..