The Dink Network

Updated Dev File: WinDinkEdit 1.2 FONT color="#FFFF00"*UPDATE*/FONT
Posted by WC on Friday January 3rd, at 06:19 PM
I figured it was about time to release version 1.2 of WinDinkEdit that does fix a few things and I spiced it up with a few updates. View comments to view changes, and don't forget the source code.

Update: After a dinker by the name of shampoo e-mail about a bug that I couldn't fix earlier, I relooked into it. After a few hours of playing, I was able to figure out how to fix the problem (yay). Thank. Shampoo.

------------Version 1.2 Final updates

-Added feature to display sprite info on mouse hover.

-Added feature to display sprite hardness on mouse hover.

-Added Anti Corruption feature. Something is corrupting map hardness indexes, and tile indexes on random screens, WDE now has a few saftey features to help detect and 'fix' these corruptions. It will fix it by reseting the hardness to not hard (hardness tile 0), or the tile to tile #1 default.

Bug Fixes:

-Few minor bugs fixed due to map corruption as described above. WDE will no longer crash, and will fix the problem.

[b]-Direct X problem which cause graphics to come up distorted after running other full screen applications is now fixed. (Note: after exiting full screen, when WDE comes up, it may take a few moments to reload)

-Fixed problem that would cause WDE to crash if someone coded the dink.ini to set info to a frame like -1 or 51. This was the problem with Someone's Red Sheild D-mod.[/b]

So now you should be able to run WDE and dink at the same time. Oh the joys.

I am the new webmaster