The Dink Network

Community Carnage
Posted by Sparrowhawk on Saturday May 21st, at 06:57 PM
Results of the carnage contest are in, now it's time to choose your own winner! Over to MsDink:

Congrats to all entries, you did me proud lads - most impressive!
Now it's a chance for the community to pick their own winner - tis time to place your votes for the "Community award"

1. Please try to play all the dmods before voting to make it a fair vote
2. Votes accepted only from known forum users, any dubious votes counted at staff discretion only.
3. You may NOT vote for your own file. (Well you can, but the vote does not count)! Why? Cause I said so
4. You cannot change your vote after it has been posted
5. Voting closes 30th of June
Let the carnage begin!

Here's the D-Mods:
Enter the Dead Dragon Carcass
Knight Soup
Power of Blood
The Blacksmith's Trail
The End of Snoresville