The Dink Network

Vigilante's Profile

2022-07-02 09:23:41
I believe that was indeed a workaround I discovered, unless redink1 got that SlipDink's message on Discord (about me having registration problems) and silently fixed the server sending out e-mails, not telling anyone.

Once an account is registered, it is taken - the server remembers this name and e-mail address and doesn't allow any other registration attempts to use either of those, all the while confirmation e-mail never came. Logging in requires a password that was never set (registration form doesn't have a password field). "Forgot password" will successfuly send the link for resetting password to the e-mail address used upon registration of corresponding account, EVEN if that one was never confirmed / logged into, and following that link allows one to send the password and log in will work.

Why is that e-mail for resetting password comes through, but registration confirmation doesn't, I don't know, but the account can get off the ground this somewhat contrived way.