The Dink Network

SkeleTony's Profile

2009-09-16 07:52:46

Rather than do the whole massively quoted, point-by-point response I am going to offer some general thoughts on the points you raised.

First of all, though I do not assume you intended any of that towards ME specifically, I just want to point out that I NEVER go looking for people who believe things which I do not to tell them their beliefs are wrong. I just don't do it. If there is a forum called "Fairy friends - DISSENT/DEBATE NOT ALLOWED!" I will not be found posting there for example. same goes for "Christian" forums, Bigfoot forums etc.

However I do participate in DEBATE forums(or forums that are at least NOT prohibitive towards such).

Now as for individuals believing things for themselves(objectively real or not) and such things being 'real' to THEM...again, that is fine. But the delusional guy from the mental hospital sees and hears things which are 'real to HIM' but we do not adjust our views of reality to coincide with his delusions.

Likewise, in an open debate about reality we should not grant an undeserved conciliatory or assent to claims that are not CONCURRENTLY 'real'(as opposed to 'real in your mind'). In short, the mind controlling space vampire in someone's head may seem very real to them for all I know but I am not going to take out a loan to buy a lifetime supply of 'Anti-vampiric mind control juice'.

Finally, as a late friend of mine used to point out Heraclitus observed around 2,500 years ago while watching a boxing match that blows to the head affected thinking while blows to other body parts did not. From this he concluded that we think with a piece of MEAT and not a piece of magic. If the mind could somehow survive the physical death of the brain then why does Alzheimer's and drug use and such mess up your thinking? If the mind were actually dependent on some non-physical "soul" or some such then that non-physical soul would have to get drunk when we drink, get brain damage when we are clubbed in the head, etc.

The mind does not survive brain death...pure and simple.