The Dink Network

Patrunjelu's Profile

2009-08-11 04:36:23
Peasant He/Him Romania
It doesn't matter, really I can speak German and Japanese with a perfect accent (I doubt people would know I'm not from Germany. I don't look japanese though) but, god knows why, I can't speak American and British english well. I have a scottish accent >.> I'll do a scottish character.

Patrunjelu has released 2 files

An Aeophian Adventure: Dink goes to AeophiaD-Mod, RompTolerable 4.7May 21st, 2009
The Dink Smallwood Quest Script GeneratorDevelopment, Demo, UtilityGood 7.5May 20th, 2009

Patrunjelu has written 2 reviews

Promising demo, but has some things that should get fixed... Day of the CarcassNormalFair 6.6January 1st, 2010
Hi Old Hero New ThiefNormalGood 8.0August 24th, 2009

Patrunjelu has taken 1 screenshot

Preview As Good As EternityApril 14th, 2013