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May 13th 2005, 03:19 AM
Peasant He/Him
"well i got my new one 2 days ago and ive already started programing on it iam making a new import for half life 2 and iam runing 580 (over clocked) mb of video ram and 8.12 cpu (also over clocked) 2 gig of ram and 260 gigs of hard disk no screen but a projecter and an away server for backing up my files( the projecter cost the most but i got it for free off the computer techs so the computer only cost about 5grand and i dont think the new one will last long cuz its runing within an inch of its life but there is always a warranty)" - DarkNight

First off I am not sure if you are joking or not but thre is no such thing as a vid card with 580 mb of vid ram. Its also not possible to overclock the amount of memory you have. Secondly its impossible to overclock to 8.12 ghz cpu. I assume you mean 8.12 ghz since all cpu's are measured in ghz. Other then that paying 5 grand for all that is a major rip off.
I can get 2 gigs of ram for 300 dollars.
I can get best cpu around for 600 dollars.
Best vid card 400 dollars.
Best Motherboard 200 dollars.
Best Harddrive for like 300 dollars.
projector monitor and other stuff about 1500 dollars.
away server 400 - 500 dollars
Grand total 3600 dollars.
I also splurged on some of the prices too. Either way I say your getting ripped off.