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Reply to Re: scripts dosen't work

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May 9th 2005, 03:24 AM
you either need to make a loop or put the get_sprite_with_this_brain lines in the assistants' die procedures. (that's the best way) you need to put &first = 10; before spawning the boss too

void die( void )
if (get_sprite_with_this_brain(9, &current_sprite) == 0)
&first = 10;
sp_script(&boss, "m2-boss");

EDIT: you'll need to make boss a global or use &first for him (because I can't see the use of that when you only activate the boss's script after the assistants are dead?) btw your if (&first = 10) line only has one =

EDIT2: dammit I guess I should think before posting. use sp_script(&boss, "m2-boss"); instead of spawn();