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Reply to Re: UK one of the least religious countries in the World

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April 14th 2015, 10:12 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Finland is religious? Most people here are Christian, but I've yet to meet a single Finnish person in my entire life who would be considered least bit religious in most other countries. That map rates us as religious as the US, yet the typical "religious" Finn would be ridiculed by the typical religious American, for how little we actually believe in our religion, or at least do to show it. In fact, I'd rate Finland as one of the least religious countries in the world, and one of the highest when it comes to people who ridicule religion. Yes, I am aware that there are some very religious people over here, and even some religious cults hidden around the forests here, but those people are very little in numbers, and the average person here isn't religious at all.

Anyway, just felt like throwing my 2 cents in on that matter. Who knows, maybe I just haven't met the right people. Maybe some other Finn on this site can give their views on the matter.