The Dink Network

How do you do plots im so confused please reply

March 24th 2007, 08:32 PM
Peasant He/Him
How do you do plots im so confused ive tried every thing but i just don't know how please tell if you know anything
March 25th 2007, 12:13 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
The guy with the cute D-Mod. 
Just let me think...
March 25th 2007, 12:15 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
The guy with the cute D-Mod. 
Here we go. Plots are totally simple. First open your script main.c scroll down and find //add your own global... then type something like

make_global_int("&lala", 0);

You cahnge lala to the name of the global variable. Then in any script at all. Do void talk or whatever. And type something like this.

void talk(void)
if (&lala == 0)
say_stop("Hi dude", 1);
say_stop("`3Hi Dink", &current_sprite);
say_stop("`3Go sing and dance", &current_sprite);
say_stop("Ok", 1);
int &count;
if (&count < 5)
move_stop(1, 6, 200, 1);
move_stop(1, 8, 200, 1);
move_stop(1, 4, 100, 1);
move_stop(1, 2, 100, 1);
&count += 1;
goto loop;

if (&count > 5)
&lala = 1;
if (&lala == 1)
say_stop("`3Nice moves Dink!", &current_sprite);
say_stop("TAHNKS DUDE!", 1);

I don't know, but I think I had a few errors in that thing. But I can't be bothered changing them. You could just look in teqhniuqes, plot in the DinkC.chm file. I think that's how you spell teqhniuqes? I hope this helps!
March 25th 2007, 07:43 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
omg im confused and cant find my own information while theres tons of information on how to do things around i also dont know what capital letters are or punctuation ah well this wont be difficult to read anyway will it

If you need help, look around for tutorials/topics/Dmods that can possibly help you. If you can't find any, then come here and ask, with correct punctuation and capitals at the correct places.

I hope that your Dmod will have a bit better text than you used to make this topic.

Now, to answer your question, you'll need to make a global int, change its value when something in a story has happened, and use lots of if conditions to check what value this global int is. For example:

make_global_int("&story", 0);
Makes a global int called &story, which starts out with a value of 0.

Somewhere in a talk script:
if (&story == 0)
//Compares is story is 0.
//Then do stuff if this is the case.

else if (&story == 1)
//Now what to do if story is equal to 1? Do different stuff.