The Dink Network

FIAT - How do I find bow luck and/or gladiator

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

September 10th 2002, 09:32 PM
Ghost They/Them
Bow luck is supposed to be in the sunken house, but

I can't find it. Also, got the 2nd scroll, but no gladiator or F12 function.
September 11th 2002, 06:05 AM
Ghost They/Them
: Bow luck is supposed to be in the sunken house, but

: I can't find it.  Also, got the 2nd scroll, but no gladiator or F12 function.

Go to the right passageway and hit the wall in the corner before you go to the end. I can't remember where the other 2 are, been along time since I played

September 25th 2002, 07:15 AM
Peasant He/Him
: : Bow luck is supposed to be in the sunken house, but

: : I can't find it.  Also, got the 2nd scroll, but no gladiator or F12 function.

: Go to the right passageway and hit the wall in the corner before you go to the end.  I can't remember where the other 2 are, been along time since I played

BZZT! WRONG! I think you have to buttstomp, not only hit, the wall to get bow luck. The secret minigames can only be played after you have beaten FIAT.