Crazy Old Tim Plays All the D-Mods: Directory (Closed)
--Crazy Old Tim Plays All the D-Mods--
1998 | HTML version
1999 | HTML version
2000 | HTML version
2001 | Article version
2002 | Article version
For anyone unfamiliar with this project, an introduction: From August 2013 to February 2015, I played all available D-Mods and wrote about my experiences with each of them. Nearly all of the writeups are accompanied by screenshots. I gained the ability to post images on the forum during the 2002 topic, so all images are inline from 2003 onward. Alternate versions of the 1998-2002 writeups exist if you'd rather not have to click on links.
It was never my plan to leave the final topic in the series at the top. It unduly prioritizes the last writeups, and having to load all the screenshots in the "Rest of the D-Mods" topic doesn't provide convenient access to the project. Instead, here is an alphabetized list of D-Mods for easy reference. Each D-Mod is paired with its number in the project and links to the specific post (not just the topic) in which it is addressed. D-Mods from 1998-2000 also feature links to the appropriate section of the HTML version. 2001 and 2002 D-Mods link to the Article version as well.
Feel free to use this as a discussion thread.
Full list of D-Mods (numbers are treated as the word spelled out):
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, by Elias Hasle - 116 (2002) (118 in Article version)
Adventures of Dink Bigwood, by Dinkdragon - 218 (2005)
Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: The Town of Rakuna, by Lunacre - 221 (2005)
Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 2: The Song of an Ancient Wind, by Lunacre - 258 (2007)
Adventures of Ed the SCV, The, by Dan Walma - 064 (2000) (HTML version)
Adventures with Jani: Part 1, by Skull - 250 (2007)
Aeophian Adventure: Dink Goes to Aeophia, An, by Patrunjelu - 291 (2009)
Agatha Smallwood's Will, by Iplaydink - 320 (2010)
Agathian Sea Traders, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 178 (2003)
Age of Darkness, An, by Dinkdragon - 223 (2005)
Alliance Command, by Dan Walma - 047 (1999) (HTML version)
Anarchy Halloween Party, by Joshriot - 177 (2003)
Ants, The, by MiloBones - 199 (2004)
Apex, by Hance - 210 (2005)
Apprentice, The, by Lennard Smith - 194 (2004)
As Good As Eternity, by Tyrsis - 110 (2002) (112 in Article version)
Attack of the Army, The, by GlennGlenn - 167 (2003)
Attack of the Evil Wizard, by VonZeppelin - 233 (2006)
Attack of the Goblins, by Teej88 - 283 (2008)
Attack of the Mutant Veggies, by RadFrog - 262 (2007)
Back from the Grave, by Sphinx and Striker - 101 (2001) (Article version)
Bane of the Magi, by Ric - 169 (2003)
Basilisk Smile, The, by SabreTrout - 240 (2006)
Baywatch Isle, by Vilius Tamoðiûnas - 121 (2002) (123 in Article version)
Beginning of Evil, by Magicman - 156 (2003)
Beginning of Sorrows, by Wesley McElwee - 078 (2000) (HTML version)
Between the Shadows, by Silencer - 055 (2000) (HTML version)
Bill & Kill 1: *SIGH*, by Skull - 256 (2007)
Bill & Kill 2: The Unknown Boy, by Skull - 259 (2007)
Bill & Kill 3: The Terrible End, by Skull - 267 (2007)
Birth of an Empire, by Wesley McElwee - 073 (2000) (HTML version)
Bishop's Quest Part 1: Enter the Hero, by Hance - 171 (2003)
Blacksmith's Trail, The, by Marpro - 331 (2011)
Blood Scorpions, by Simeon - 166 (2003)
Bloop the Fish, by Instalite - 032 (1999) (HTML version)
Bloop the Fish 2, by SabreTrout - 168 (2003)
Bomb, The, by Iplaydink - 297 (2009)
Bonca Hunt, The, by DinkDoodler - 300 (2009)
Bored of the Rings, by Stomper - 346 (2014)
Broken Windows, by Sparrowhawk - 325 (2011)
Bug Mania, by Sparrowhawk - 282 (2008)
Call to Greatness, by Hezzu and Lunacre - 244 (2006)
Cast Awakening Part 1: Initiation, by Dan Walma - 204 (2004)
Cast Awakening Part 5: Revolution, by Dan Walma - 352 (2015)
Castle Killers, by GameHampe - 196 (2004)
Castle of Lore, The, by James Perley - 041 (1999) (HTML version)
Catacombs, by Paul Pliska - 063 (2000) (HTML version)
Chaos, by Ric - 201 (2004)
Chasin, by Kezzla - 285 (2008)
Chores, by MadStalker - 290 (2009)
Christmas Adventure: Search for Santa, by Sharp - 143 (2002) (Article version)
Cloud Castle, by SabreTrout and Arik - 120 (2002) (122 in Article version)
Cloud Castle 2: Scarab, by SabreTrout and Arik - 203 (2004)
Computer Virus, by Blue - 155 (2003)
Corporate Managerialism, by Yeoldetoast - 315 (2010)
Counterstrike CTF, by Paul Zielinski - 130 (2002) (131 in Article version)
Creeping Sands, The, by Simon Klaebe - 123 (2002) (125 in Article version)
Crosslink, by Paul Pliska - 050 (1999) (HTML version)
Crossroads, by Tim Maurer - 020 (2000, but appears in the 1998 topic) (021 in HTML version)
Cursed, by Carrie2004 - 202 (2004)
Crystal of Power, by Chris Martin - 068 (2000) (HTML version)
Crystal of the Gu, by Endy - 251 (2007)
Cycles of Evil, by Dan Walma - 132 (2002) (133 in Article version)
Darkspace Derelict, by Eldron - 136 (2002) (137 in Article version)
Day after the Middle Night, by Skull - 317 (2010)
Day in the Life of Dink Smallwood, A, by Flood - 292 (2009)
Day of the Carcass, by Erwin Bosch - 304 (2009)
Defeat of the Terrorists, The, by DinkDoodler - 300 (2009)
Dink and the Bonca, by DinkKiller - 295 (2009)
Dink and the Chins, by Skorn - 355 (2015)
Dink Arena - GUI, by Mike Kanter, Bunniemaster and Dan Walma - 024 (1998) (025 in HTML version)
Dink Blackwood, by Piotr Lanting - 099 (2001) (Article version)
Dink 007, by Nick Vervaeke - 090 (2001) (Article version)
Dink Gets Bored, by Paul Pliska - 340 (2012)
Dink Goes Beachcombing, by RadFrog - 247 (2007)
Dink Goes Boating, by Simon Klaebe - 179 (2003)
Dink Goes Hunting, by Erwin Bosch - 243 (2006)
Dink Goes Wandering, by Colin Wyatt - 087 (2001) (Article version)
Dink Learns Music, by Metatarasal - 220 (2005)
Dink Letterman, by JVeenhof - 051 (2000) (HTML version)
Dink Nukem - Darkland F**d Up!, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 174 (2003)
Dink Racer, by Magicman - 134 (2002) (135 in Article version)
Dink Smallwood: Achievement Unlocked Edition, by Tim Maurer - 347 (2014)
Dink Smallwood and the End of Time, by Dan Walma - 036 (1999) (HTML version)
Dink Smallwood and the 4 Towers, by Merder - 338 (2012)
Dink Smallwood at the City of the Dead, by Castman - 279 (2007)
Dink Smallwood Forever, by Tim Maurer - 014 (1998) (015 in HTML version)
Dink Smallwood Goes Trick-Or-Treating, by Dan Walma - 030 (1998) (HTML version)
Dink Smallwood in the Valley of the Talking Trees, by Dukie - 023 (1998) (024 in HTML version)
Dink Smallwood Unlimited, by Tim Maurer - 015 (1998) (016 in HTML version)
Dink Smallwood's Christmas, by Binirit - 142 (2002) (Article version)
Dink Vs. Milder, by Cypry - 219 (2005)
Dink vs. Milder 2, by Cypry - 232 (2006)
Dink vs. Zagor, by Chris and Jim Arapidis - 103 (2001) (104 in Article version)
Dink Wars, The, by Thor - 326 (2011)
Dink X Trivia, by JVeenhof - 072 (2000) (HTML version)
Dink Z Trivia, by Zeddexx - 313 (2010)
Dinkablo, by Bunniemaster - 040 (1999) (HTML version)
Dinkablo II: Shadow and Flame, by Firelake - 149 (2003)
Dinkanoid, by Mike Snyder - 008 (1998) (HTML version)
Dinkaventure, by MTG - 189 (2004)
DinkCraft, by Dan Walma - 039 (1999) (HTML version)
Dinkers, by Dan Walma - 052 (2000) (HTML version)
Dinkgon Warrior, by Tim Maurer and MsDink - 350 (2015)
Dinkopolis, by Kevin Bugin - 009 (1998) (HTML version)
Dink's Christmas Adventure, by Carrie2004 - 277 (2007)
Dink's Doppleganger, by Mike Snyder - 004 (1998) (HTML version)
Dink's Extremely Short Adventure, by Fireball5 - 271 (2007)
Dink's Father 1: Quest for the Scroll, by Lancemads - 145 (2003)
Dink's Father 2: The Kidnapping, by Lancemads - 148 (2003)
Dink's Father 3: The Hypnotizer, by Lancemads - 181 (2004)
Dink's Nightmare, by TGA - 299 (2009)
Dink's Quest in the Icelands, by Skorn - 306 (2010)
Dink's Short Adventure!, by Jeremy Moore - 150 (2003)
Dink's Thanksgiving Adventure, by Paco - 046 (1999) (HTML version)
Dink's World, by Legolas - 222 (2005)
Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT, by Dan Walma - 108 (2001) (110 in Article version)
Dinky Dimensions 2: The End of Time v2, by Dan Walma - 111 (2002) (113 in Article version)
Dinkzilla, by Jeff Speed - 021 (1998) (022 in HTML version)
DOEM, by JVeenhof - 109 (2002) (111 in Article version)
Dong, by Rabidwolf9 - 309 (2010)
Doomsday, by Kbot man - 106 (2001) (108 in Article version)
Dream Weaver: Silent Knight, by Illusivefing - 182 (2004)
Dry, by Binirit - 146 (2003)
Dukie's Shooting Gallery, by Dan Walma - 175 (2003)
DWTD, by Hyper B - 095 (2001) (Article version)
Elves of Rathor, The, by Carrie2004 - 200 (2004)
Emerald Hunt, The, by Alexander Schroeder - 086 (2000) (HTML version)
End of Snoresville, The, by Merder - 327 (2011)
End of the World, The, by Tim Maurer - 018 (1999, but appears in the 1998 topic) (019 in HTML version)
Enter the Dead Dragon Carcass, by Erwin Bosch - 328 (2011)
Epochs and Aeons: Part One, by Leprochaun - 348 (2014)
Eternal Suicide Chapter Zero: Wasted Life, by Nitronic - 152 (2003)
Evil Empire, by KillerRoy32 - 098 (2001) (Article version)
EvilDink, by DinkDoodler - 300 (2009)
Ex-Peppermint, by Square Watermelon - 234 (2006)
Explorations: Redink1's Basement, by Dan Walma - 088 (2001) (Article version)
Fairy Goodness, by Someone - 059 (2000) (HTML version)
Fairy Named Bincabbi, The, by Scratcher - 141 (2002) (Article version)
Fall of Darkness: Battlefield, by Skull and Dan Wesley - 269 (2007)
Fall of Tahmar, by Marpro - 239 (2006)
FallDink, by Iplaydink - 310 (2010)
False Hero, A, by Skorn - 322 (2010)
Fate of Destiny, by Ex-DeathEvn - 321 (2010)
Fifteen Tasks of Dink, by Dinkme - 214 (2005)
Fighterz, by SabreTrout and Trav666 - 137 (2002) (138 in Article version)
Fish Named Bloop, A, by Iplaydink - 344 (2014)
Forest of Dangers, by Sharp - 076 (2000) (HTML version)
Forest of Doom, by ToKu - 314 (2010)
Fountain of Life, The, by Christian Appelgren - 185 (1999, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Friends Beyond 1, by Wesley McElwee - 067 (2000) (HTML version)
Friends Beyond 2: Branches of Destiny, by Wesley McElwee - 071 (2000) (HTML version)
Friends Beyond 3: Legend of Tenjin, by Wesley McElwee - 077 (2000) (HTML version)
Frogger, by Dan Walma - 056 (2000) (HTML version)
Furball, by MsDink - 318 (2010)
Ghosts of the Cast, The, by ThinkDink - 160 (2003)
Ghosts of the Cast: Seth's Revenge, The, by ThinkDink - 161 (2003)
Ghosts of the Cast: The Quest for the Axe of Destruction, The, by ThinkDink - 163 (2003)
Glenn's First DMOD, by GlennGlenn - 147 (2003)
Gnug's Attack, by WC - 049 (1999) (HTML version)
Goblin Castle, The, by Dinkme - 208 (2005)
Goblin Trouble, by Killerbee - 044 (1999) (HTML version)
Goblin Trouble II, by Killerbee and WC - 089 (2001) (Article version)
Goblin Wars: Breaking Point, by Castman - 332 (2011)
Goblinoma Z, by O. Ellis - 188 (2003, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Gold Knight Agency, The, by Robj - 241 (2006)
Golden Buddha, The, by Carrie2004 - 206 (2004)
Gorack, Umtar and Shreik: The First Battle, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 114 (2002) (116 in Article version)
Grasp of Darkness, by Quiztis - 312 (2010)
Green Voice in My Head Part 1: Hangover & Agony, The, by Raven - 173 (2003)
Happy Sunshine Land, by Pillbug - 273 (2007)
Helpin' the Ol' Duck Farmer, by DaVince - 217 (2005)
Hero of the Time, The, by Skull - 280 (2008)
Hide-and-Seek, by TA - 190 (2004)
Hide-n-Seek, by Endy - 281 (2008)
Higgledy Piggledy, by DinkDude95 - 311 (2010)
...his Ancestor 1239, by Karaluch - 053 (2000) (HTML version)
Historical Hero, by Skull - 308 (2010)
Historical Hero II: Armageddon, by Skull - 337 (2012)
Honor of the Cast: Slimes, by Skull - 252 (2007)
Honor of the Cast: The Honor's Time, by Skull - 254 (2007)
Honor of the Cast: The March of Army, by Skull - 255 (2007)
Honor Quest, The, by Cypry - 236 (2006)
Hotel of the Middle Night, by Skull - 288 (2008)
Hunt, The, by Thom C. Vedder - 102 (2001) (Article version)
I, Kara Gu, by Arik - 248 (2007)
If Ducks Ruled the World, by Wesley McElwee - 237 (2006)
Impossible Scenarios, by Nam Hoang - 209 (2005)
Infinidink, by Wesley McElwee - 289 (2009)
Infinite Dink Smallwood, by Tim Maurer - 016 (1998) (017 in HTML version)
Island of Hell, by Laughlan Fahey - 245 (2006)
Island of the Giants, by Ethan - 043 (1999) (HTML version)
Isle of Croth, by Simon Klaebe - 062 (2000) (HTML version)
Karel ende Elegast, by Shevek - 335 (2012)
Kill Murdoock!!, by Neo - 192 (2004)
Kill Murdoock! 2, by Neo - 242 (2006)
Kill the Hippies, by Joshriot - 115 (2002) (117 in Article version)
Kill the Hippies... Again, by Joshriot - 170 (2003)
Kingdom of Chaos, The, by Nawal - 286 (2008)
Knight Soup, by Synbi - 329 (2011)
Knight's Tale, A, by SabreTrout - 128 (2002) (129 in Article version)
Knight's Tale 2, A, by SabreTrout - 162 (2003)
Knight's Tale Trois: Knight of the Round, by SabreTrout - 191 (2004)
Labyrinth, by Jeff Speed - 025 (1998) (026 in HTML version)
Land of Transforming Ducks, by Zellfaze2 - 226 (2005)
Legend of Pärnu, The, by Timo Jyrisoo - 113 (2002) (115 in Article version)
Legend of Smallwood: A Dink to the Past, by Kevin Bugin and David Goode - 022 (1998) (023 in HTML version)
Legend of TerraEarth, The, by Christiaan Janssen - 187 (2001, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Legend of the Ancients: The Capture, by Zeddexx - 294 (2009)
Legend of the Dink: The Beginning, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 257 (2007)
Legend of the Dink II: The Ancient Book, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 260 (2007)
Legend of the Dink III: The Fall of Imperial Seth, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 263 (2007)
Legend of the Dink Special Edition: Rand's Quest for Axe, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 261 (2007)
Legend of the Duck, The, by Chris McNeely - 100 (2001) (Article version)
Legend of the Pillbug, by Nam Hoang - 129 (2002) (130 in Article version)
Legend's Tale, by Tallis and Kyle - 085 (2000) (HTML version)
Lost Amulet, The, by Carrie2004 - 253 (2007)
Lost Forest Romp, by Scratcher - 341 (2012)
Lost in Dink, by Dan Walma - 028 (1998) (HTML version)
Lost Shoes, The, by VB - 303 (2009)
Lumbergh Legacy, The, by Marpro - 287 (2008)
Lyna's Story, by Paul Pliska - 133 (2002) (134 in Article version)
Magical Mayhem, by Erwin Bosch - 284 (2008)
Malachi the Jerk, by Tim Maurer and Leprochaun - 343 (2014)
Marco Polo, by RadFrog - 264 (2007)
Matoya, by Astral - 197 (2004)
Mayhem, by Paul Pliska - 158 (2003)
Mike Dingwell's First D-Mod, by Mike Dingwell - 034 (1999) (HTML version)
Mike the Magician, by Bunniemaster - 037 (1999) (HTML version)
Milderr!!, by Sharp - 081 (2000) (HTML version)
Milderr!! 2: The Adventure in Finland, by Sharp - 096 (2001) (Article version)
Milderr!! 3: End of Questing, by Sharp - 118 (2002) (120 in Article version)
Moneyspell, The, by Nick Vervaeke - 093 (2001) (Article version)
Monster House, The, by Timo Jyrisoo - 112 (2002) (114 in Article version)
Monstery Dimension, A, by Undink1 - 266 (2007)
Moon Child, by Leprochaun - 342 (2013)
Moorack and the Pillbugs, by Layne Phillips and Phil Triolo - 026 (1998) (014 in HTML version)
Mrs. Scarlet's Murder Mystery, by Zail - 080 (2000) (HTML version)
Mystery Island, by RTSoft: 002 (1998) (HTML version)
New Shores: The Maori, by Kyle and Tallis - 127 (2002) (128 in Article version)
9 Gems of Life, The, by JVeenhof and Wolfblitz - 057 (2000) (HTML version)
9 Gems of Life 2, The, by JVeenhof and Wolfblitz - 070 (2000) (HTML version)
Norman the Killer Tree, by Jonathon Manning - 083 (2000) (HTML version)
North, by WarPlague - 176 (2003)
Of Life - Black Guild, by Blackguard - 272 (2007)
Okaly-D Dink, by Okaly-D Dude - 097 (2001) (Article version)
Old Hero New Thief, by Zeddexx - 293 (2009)
Once a Hero, by SabreTrout - 229 (2005)
Once in a Lifetime, by Simeon - 117 (2002) (119 in Article version)
One Scren D-Mod Compilation, by various authors - 274 (2007)
Orion, The, by Jonathon Manning - 058 (2000) (HTML version)
Other World - Nature BattleFields, The, by Mimifish - 125 (2001, but appears in the 2002 topic) (105 in 2001 Article version)
Outlander, by Amoebalord - 216 (2005)
Perilous Journey, A, by James Perley - 140 (2002) (Article version)
Phantasmagoria, by Roger Maynard - 045 (1999) (HTML version)
Picnic Perils, by RadFrog - 249 (2007)
Pilgrim's Quest, by Simon Klaebe - 139 (2002) (Article version)
Pinky the Pig, by JugglingDink - 324 (2010)
Pirates of Portown, by Dinkmega - 135 (2002) (136 in Article version)
PlaneWalker, by SabreTrout - 144 (2002) (Article version)
Platform Dink, by Iplaydink - 305 (2010)
Pointless, by Thom C. Vedder - 010 (1998) (HTML version)
Pokémon: Bible Edition, by Skorn - 354 (2015)
Power of Blood, by JugglingDink - 330 (2011)
Prelude, by Joshriot - 238 (2006)
Progeny, by Simon Klaebe - 183 (2004)
Project A.N.Y., by Sergthegod - 278 (2007)
Prophecy of the Ancients, by Gary & Tony Hertel - 031 (1998) (HTML version)
Quel, by Metatarasal - 339 (2012)
Quest, The, by Srednar - 230 (2006)
Quest of Life Part 1, The, by Stephen Martindale - 074 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest of Life Part 2, The, by Stephen Martindale - 075 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest for Arithia Part 1: The Ninth Lock, The, by Mike Snyder - 005 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Arithia Part 2: The Rozarus, The, by Mike Snyder - 006 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Arithia Part 3: Elemental Peace, The, by Mike Snyder - 007 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Cheese, The, by Jamie Boettger - 029 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Dorinthia, The, by Bill Szczytko - 054 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest for Dorinthia II: The Island Revenge, by Bill Szczytko - 060 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest for Dorinthia III: Nymera's Quest, by Bill Szczytko - 345 (2014)
Quest for Dorinthia: Special Edition, by Bill Szczytko - 336 (2012)
Quest for Food, The, by GlennGlenn - 172 (2003)
Quest for Not Quite as Lame, The, by Pillbug - 298 (2009)
Quest for the Gems, by Metatarasal - 213 (2005)
Quest for the Golden Nut, by James Perley - 131 (2002) (132 in Article version)
Quest of Glandor, by John M. Hagen and Christiaan Janssen - 119 (2002) (121 in Article version)
Rascal, by Blackduke - 157 (2003)
Reconstruction: The Freedmen's Bureau, by Dan Walma - 048 (1999) (HTML version)
Red Jacket Murders, by Carrie2004 - 227 (2005)
Red Shield, by Someone - 276 (2001, but appears in the 2007 topic)
Return to Rathor, by Carrie2004 - 235 (2006)
Revenge of the Cast, by Layne Phillips and Phil Triolo - 027 (1998) (HTML version)
Revenge of the Ducks, by JVeenhof - 084 (2000) (HTML version)
Revenge of the Ducks 2, by JVeenhof - 091 (2001) (Article version)
Revenge of the Ducks 3: Enter the Smallwood, by JVeenhof - 104 (2001) (106 in Article version)
Revenge of the Pigs, by GlennGlenn - 154 (2003)
Revenge of the Pillbugs, by DuckKiller4 - 195 (2004)
Richard's Attack, by Mahdi - 035 (1999) (HTML version)
Rings of Destiny, The, by Micheal Tolland - 094 (2001) (Article version)
Rise of the Goblins, by Skull and his dad - 270 (2007)
Rise of the Rebels, by Cybermonkey - 082 (2000) (HTML version)
Rivals, The, by ThinkDink and DareDink - 165 (2003)
River, The, by Synbi - 319 (2010)
Saga, The, by Xanthos and Vigilante - 066 (2000) (HTML version)
Savebot Massacre, The, by Sparrowhawk and Pillbug - 296 (2009)
Scar of David, The, by Mike Snyder - 003 (1998) (HTML version)
Scar of David 2: Search for the Scarf, The, by Thom C. Vedder - 013 (1998) (HTML version)
Scary Beast, The, by GlennGlenn - 246 (2006)
Scourger, The, by Metatarasal - 228 (2005)
Search for Milli Vanilli, The, by Seth Robinson - 001 (1998) (HTML version)
Search for Mother, by Lunacre - 205 (2004)
Search for the Green Mushrom, The, by GlennGlenn - 152 (2003)
Search for the Treasure, The, by Vilius Tamoðiûnas - 126 (2002) (127 in Article version)
Secret of Amehoela, by Christiaan Janssen - 186 (2001, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Secret of Parizaya, by Christiaan Janssen - 105 (2001) (107 in Article version)
Shadow Guild, The, by Lurvas - 065 (2000) (HTML version)
Shadows of Death, by DinkKiller - 353 (2015)
Silence, by Megadog - 351 (2015)
Sjoerd's Quest, by MTG - 193 (2004)
Slimes, The, by Ethan - 033 (1999) (HTML version)
Slimes VS Dink, by TA - 198 (2004)
Slaughterhouse, The, by Kevin Kazimir - 012 (1998) (HTML version)
Smallwood-Man!, by Skorn - 323 (2010)
Spy Number 13, The, by Scratcher - 138 (2001, but appears in the 2002 topic) (103 in 2001 Article version)
StarDink, by Dan Walma - 038 (1999) (HTML version)
Stone of Balance, by Simon Klaebe - 079 (2000) (HTML version)
Stupid Penguins, by Carrie2004 - 211 (2005)
Sword of Paranor: Forgotten Realms, The, by Silencer - 011 (1998) (HTML version)
Tears of the Devil, by Merder - 265 (2007)
Terrania, by Carrie2004 - 215 (2005)
Three Amulets, by Iplaydink - 307 (2010)
Three New Heroes, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 124 (2002) (126 in Article version)
Tile Puzzle, by MiloBones - 224 (2005)
Town Over, A, by Anton Frolov - 092 (2001) (Article version)
Tragic Death of Zink Smallwood, The, by Tim Maurer - 019 (2000, but appears in the 1998 topic) (020 in HTML version)
Trapped, by GOKUSSJ6 - 268 (2007)
Treasure Battles, The, by Erwin Bosch - 225 (2005)
Trials of a Boy: Enter the Iceland, by DinkDude95 - 334 (2012)
Triangle Mover, by Paul Pliska - 184 (2004)
True of Life, by Timo Jyrisoo - 107 (2001) (109 in Article version)
Tutorial Island, by Vilius Tamoðiûnas - 122 (2002) (124 in Article version)
Twins, by Binirit - 159 (2003)
2001: A Dink Oddyssey, by Tim Maurer - 017 (1998) (018 in HTML version)
Ultimate Challenge, The, by Dinkholland and Missdink - 207 (2005)
Unfinished Business, by GameHampe - 180 (2003)
Vagabond's Quest, by Ethan - 069 (2000) (HTML version)
Valhalla, by SabreTrout - 333 (2011)
Very Dink Christmas, A, by MiloBones - 231 (2006)
Victim of Life, by GlennGlenn - 164 (2003)
Where's Likko?, by DinkDude95 - 316 (2010)
Woods, The, by Endy - 349 (2014)
World of DinkC, by Simeon - 151 (2003)
Zach the Marine, by Chaotic - 212 (2005)
Zoltron, by Paco and Instalite - 042 (1999) (HTML version)
1998 | HTML version
1999 | HTML version
2000 | HTML version
2001 | Article version
2002 | Article version
For anyone unfamiliar with this project, an introduction: From August 2013 to February 2015, I played all available D-Mods and wrote about my experiences with each of them. Nearly all of the writeups are accompanied by screenshots. I gained the ability to post images on the forum during the 2002 topic, so all images are inline from 2003 onward. Alternate versions of the 1998-2002 writeups exist if you'd rather not have to click on links.
It was never my plan to leave the final topic in the series at the top. It unduly prioritizes the last writeups, and having to load all the screenshots in the "Rest of the D-Mods" topic doesn't provide convenient access to the project. Instead, here is an alphabetized list of D-Mods for easy reference. Each D-Mod is paired with its number in the project and links to the specific post (not just the topic) in which it is addressed. D-Mods from 1998-2000 also feature links to the appropriate section of the HTML version. 2001 and 2002 D-Mods link to the Article version as well.
Feel free to use this as a discussion thread.
Full list of D-Mods (numbers are treated as the word spelled out):
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, by Elias Hasle - 116 (2002) (118 in Article version)
Adventures of Dink Bigwood, by Dinkdragon - 218 (2005)
Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: The Town of Rakuna, by Lunacre - 221 (2005)
Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 2: The Song of an Ancient Wind, by Lunacre - 258 (2007)
Adventures of Ed the SCV, The, by Dan Walma - 064 (2000) (HTML version)
Adventures with Jani: Part 1, by Skull - 250 (2007)
Aeophian Adventure: Dink Goes to Aeophia, An, by Patrunjelu - 291 (2009)
Agatha Smallwood's Will, by Iplaydink - 320 (2010)
Agathian Sea Traders, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 178 (2003)
Age of Darkness, An, by Dinkdragon - 223 (2005)
Alliance Command, by Dan Walma - 047 (1999) (HTML version)
Anarchy Halloween Party, by Joshriot - 177 (2003)
Ants, The, by MiloBones - 199 (2004)
Apex, by Hance - 210 (2005)
Apprentice, The, by Lennard Smith - 194 (2004)
As Good As Eternity, by Tyrsis - 110 (2002) (112 in Article version)
Attack of the Army, The, by GlennGlenn - 167 (2003)
Attack of the Evil Wizard, by VonZeppelin - 233 (2006)
Attack of the Goblins, by Teej88 - 283 (2008)
Attack of the Mutant Veggies, by RadFrog - 262 (2007)
Back from the Grave, by Sphinx and Striker - 101 (2001) (Article version)
Bane of the Magi, by Ric - 169 (2003)
Basilisk Smile, The, by SabreTrout - 240 (2006)
Baywatch Isle, by Vilius Tamoðiûnas - 121 (2002) (123 in Article version)
Beginning of Evil, by Magicman - 156 (2003)
Beginning of Sorrows, by Wesley McElwee - 078 (2000) (HTML version)
Between the Shadows, by Silencer - 055 (2000) (HTML version)
Bill & Kill 1: *SIGH*, by Skull - 256 (2007)
Bill & Kill 2: The Unknown Boy, by Skull - 259 (2007)
Bill & Kill 3: The Terrible End, by Skull - 267 (2007)
Birth of an Empire, by Wesley McElwee - 073 (2000) (HTML version)
Bishop's Quest Part 1: Enter the Hero, by Hance - 171 (2003)
Blacksmith's Trail, The, by Marpro - 331 (2011)
Blood Scorpions, by Simeon - 166 (2003)
Bloop the Fish, by Instalite - 032 (1999) (HTML version)
Bloop the Fish 2, by SabreTrout - 168 (2003)
Bomb, The, by Iplaydink - 297 (2009)
Bonca Hunt, The, by DinkDoodler - 300 (2009)
Bored of the Rings, by Stomper - 346 (2014)
Broken Windows, by Sparrowhawk - 325 (2011)
Bug Mania, by Sparrowhawk - 282 (2008)
Call to Greatness, by Hezzu and Lunacre - 244 (2006)
Cast Awakening Part 1: Initiation, by Dan Walma - 204 (2004)
Cast Awakening Part 5: Revolution, by Dan Walma - 352 (2015)
Castle Killers, by GameHampe - 196 (2004)
Castle of Lore, The, by James Perley - 041 (1999) (HTML version)
Catacombs, by Paul Pliska - 063 (2000) (HTML version)
Chaos, by Ric - 201 (2004)
Chasin, by Kezzla - 285 (2008)
Chores, by MadStalker - 290 (2009)
Christmas Adventure: Search for Santa, by Sharp - 143 (2002) (Article version)
Cloud Castle, by SabreTrout and Arik - 120 (2002) (122 in Article version)
Cloud Castle 2: Scarab, by SabreTrout and Arik - 203 (2004)
Computer Virus, by Blue - 155 (2003)
Corporate Managerialism, by Yeoldetoast - 315 (2010)
Counterstrike CTF, by Paul Zielinski - 130 (2002) (131 in Article version)
Creeping Sands, The, by Simon Klaebe - 123 (2002) (125 in Article version)
Crosslink, by Paul Pliska - 050 (1999) (HTML version)
Crossroads, by Tim Maurer - 020 (2000, but appears in the 1998 topic) (021 in HTML version)
Cursed, by Carrie2004 - 202 (2004)
Crystal of Power, by Chris Martin - 068 (2000) (HTML version)
Crystal of the Gu, by Endy - 251 (2007)
Cycles of Evil, by Dan Walma - 132 (2002) (133 in Article version)
Darkspace Derelict, by Eldron - 136 (2002) (137 in Article version)
Day after the Middle Night, by Skull - 317 (2010)
Day in the Life of Dink Smallwood, A, by Flood - 292 (2009)
Day of the Carcass, by Erwin Bosch - 304 (2009)
Defeat of the Terrorists, The, by DinkDoodler - 300 (2009)
Dink and the Bonca, by DinkKiller - 295 (2009)
Dink and the Chins, by Skorn - 355 (2015)
Dink Arena - GUI, by Mike Kanter, Bunniemaster and Dan Walma - 024 (1998) (025 in HTML version)
Dink Blackwood, by Piotr Lanting - 099 (2001) (Article version)
Dink 007, by Nick Vervaeke - 090 (2001) (Article version)
Dink Gets Bored, by Paul Pliska - 340 (2012)
Dink Goes Beachcombing, by RadFrog - 247 (2007)
Dink Goes Boating, by Simon Klaebe - 179 (2003)
Dink Goes Hunting, by Erwin Bosch - 243 (2006)
Dink Goes Wandering, by Colin Wyatt - 087 (2001) (Article version)
Dink Learns Music, by Metatarasal - 220 (2005)
Dink Letterman, by JVeenhof - 051 (2000) (HTML version)
Dink Nukem - Darkland F**d Up!, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 174 (2003)
Dink Racer, by Magicman - 134 (2002) (135 in Article version)
Dink Smallwood: Achievement Unlocked Edition, by Tim Maurer - 347 (2014)
Dink Smallwood and the End of Time, by Dan Walma - 036 (1999) (HTML version)
Dink Smallwood and the 4 Towers, by Merder - 338 (2012)
Dink Smallwood at the City of the Dead, by Castman - 279 (2007)
Dink Smallwood Forever, by Tim Maurer - 014 (1998) (015 in HTML version)
Dink Smallwood Goes Trick-Or-Treating, by Dan Walma - 030 (1998) (HTML version)
Dink Smallwood in the Valley of the Talking Trees, by Dukie - 023 (1998) (024 in HTML version)
Dink Smallwood Unlimited, by Tim Maurer - 015 (1998) (016 in HTML version)
Dink Smallwood's Christmas, by Binirit - 142 (2002) (Article version)
Dink Vs. Milder, by Cypry - 219 (2005)
Dink vs. Milder 2, by Cypry - 232 (2006)
Dink vs. Zagor, by Chris and Jim Arapidis - 103 (2001) (104 in Article version)
Dink Wars, The, by Thor - 326 (2011)
Dink X Trivia, by JVeenhof - 072 (2000) (HTML version)
Dink Z Trivia, by Zeddexx - 313 (2010)
Dinkablo, by Bunniemaster - 040 (1999) (HTML version)
Dinkablo II: Shadow and Flame, by Firelake - 149 (2003)
Dinkanoid, by Mike Snyder - 008 (1998) (HTML version)
Dinkaventure, by MTG - 189 (2004)
DinkCraft, by Dan Walma - 039 (1999) (HTML version)
Dinkers, by Dan Walma - 052 (2000) (HTML version)
Dinkgon Warrior, by Tim Maurer and MsDink - 350 (2015)
Dinkopolis, by Kevin Bugin - 009 (1998) (HTML version)
Dink's Christmas Adventure, by Carrie2004 - 277 (2007)
Dink's Doppleganger, by Mike Snyder - 004 (1998) (HTML version)
Dink's Extremely Short Adventure, by Fireball5 - 271 (2007)
Dink's Father 1: Quest for the Scroll, by Lancemads - 145 (2003)
Dink's Father 2: The Kidnapping, by Lancemads - 148 (2003)
Dink's Father 3: The Hypnotizer, by Lancemads - 181 (2004)
Dink's Nightmare, by TGA - 299 (2009)
Dink's Quest in the Icelands, by Skorn - 306 (2010)
Dink's Short Adventure!, by Jeremy Moore - 150 (2003)
Dink's Thanksgiving Adventure, by Paco - 046 (1999) (HTML version)
Dink's World, by Legolas - 222 (2005)
Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT, by Dan Walma - 108 (2001) (110 in Article version)
Dinky Dimensions 2: The End of Time v2, by Dan Walma - 111 (2002) (113 in Article version)
Dinkzilla, by Jeff Speed - 021 (1998) (022 in HTML version)
DOEM, by JVeenhof - 109 (2002) (111 in Article version)
Dong, by Rabidwolf9 - 309 (2010)
Doomsday, by Kbot man - 106 (2001) (108 in Article version)
Dream Weaver: Silent Knight, by Illusivefing - 182 (2004)
Dry, by Binirit - 146 (2003)
Dukie's Shooting Gallery, by Dan Walma - 175 (2003)
DWTD, by Hyper B - 095 (2001) (Article version)
Elves of Rathor, The, by Carrie2004 - 200 (2004)
Emerald Hunt, The, by Alexander Schroeder - 086 (2000) (HTML version)
End of Snoresville, The, by Merder - 327 (2011)
End of the World, The, by Tim Maurer - 018 (1999, but appears in the 1998 topic) (019 in HTML version)
Enter the Dead Dragon Carcass, by Erwin Bosch - 328 (2011)
Epochs and Aeons: Part One, by Leprochaun - 348 (2014)
Eternal Suicide Chapter Zero: Wasted Life, by Nitronic - 152 (2003)
Evil Empire, by KillerRoy32 - 098 (2001) (Article version)
EvilDink, by DinkDoodler - 300 (2009)
Ex-Peppermint, by Square Watermelon - 234 (2006)
Explorations: Redink1's Basement, by Dan Walma - 088 (2001) (Article version)
Fairy Goodness, by Someone - 059 (2000) (HTML version)
Fairy Named Bincabbi, The, by Scratcher - 141 (2002) (Article version)
Fall of Darkness: Battlefield, by Skull and Dan Wesley - 269 (2007)
Fall of Tahmar, by Marpro - 239 (2006)
FallDink, by Iplaydink - 310 (2010)
False Hero, A, by Skorn - 322 (2010)
Fate of Destiny, by Ex-DeathEvn - 321 (2010)
Fifteen Tasks of Dink, by Dinkme - 214 (2005)
Fighterz, by SabreTrout and Trav666 - 137 (2002) (138 in Article version)
Fish Named Bloop, A, by Iplaydink - 344 (2014)
Forest of Dangers, by Sharp - 076 (2000) (HTML version)
Forest of Doom, by ToKu - 314 (2010)
Fountain of Life, The, by Christian Appelgren - 185 (1999, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Friends Beyond 1, by Wesley McElwee - 067 (2000) (HTML version)
Friends Beyond 2: Branches of Destiny, by Wesley McElwee - 071 (2000) (HTML version)
Friends Beyond 3: Legend of Tenjin, by Wesley McElwee - 077 (2000) (HTML version)
Frogger, by Dan Walma - 056 (2000) (HTML version)
Furball, by MsDink - 318 (2010)
Ghosts of the Cast, The, by ThinkDink - 160 (2003)
Ghosts of the Cast: Seth's Revenge, The, by ThinkDink - 161 (2003)
Ghosts of the Cast: The Quest for the Axe of Destruction, The, by ThinkDink - 163 (2003)
Glenn's First DMOD, by GlennGlenn - 147 (2003)
Gnug's Attack, by WC - 049 (1999) (HTML version)
Goblin Castle, The, by Dinkme - 208 (2005)
Goblin Trouble, by Killerbee - 044 (1999) (HTML version)
Goblin Trouble II, by Killerbee and WC - 089 (2001) (Article version)
Goblin Wars: Breaking Point, by Castman - 332 (2011)
Goblinoma Z, by O. Ellis - 188 (2003, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Gold Knight Agency, The, by Robj - 241 (2006)
Golden Buddha, The, by Carrie2004 - 206 (2004)
Gorack, Umtar and Shreik: The First Battle, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 114 (2002) (116 in Article version)
Grasp of Darkness, by Quiztis - 312 (2010)
Green Voice in My Head Part 1: Hangover & Agony, The, by Raven - 173 (2003)
Happy Sunshine Land, by Pillbug - 273 (2007)
Helpin' the Ol' Duck Farmer, by DaVince - 217 (2005)
Hero of the Time, The, by Skull - 280 (2008)
Hide-and-Seek, by TA - 190 (2004)
Hide-n-Seek, by Endy - 281 (2008)
Higgledy Piggledy, by DinkDude95 - 311 (2010)
...his Ancestor 1239, by Karaluch - 053 (2000) (HTML version)
Historical Hero, by Skull - 308 (2010)
Historical Hero II: Armageddon, by Skull - 337 (2012)
Honor of the Cast: Slimes, by Skull - 252 (2007)
Honor of the Cast: The Honor's Time, by Skull - 254 (2007)
Honor of the Cast: The March of Army, by Skull - 255 (2007)
Honor Quest, The, by Cypry - 236 (2006)
Hotel of the Middle Night, by Skull - 288 (2008)
Hunt, The, by Thom C. Vedder - 102 (2001) (Article version)
I, Kara Gu, by Arik - 248 (2007)
If Ducks Ruled the World, by Wesley McElwee - 237 (2006)
Impossible Scenarios, by Nam Hoang - 209 (2005)
Infinidink, by Wesley McElwee - 289 (2009)
Infinite Dink Smallwood, by Tim Maurer - 016 (1998) (017 in HTML version)
Island of Hell, by Laughlan Fahey - 245 (2006)
Island of the Giants, by Ethan - 043 (1999) (HTML version)
Isle of Croth, by Simon Klaebe - 062 (2000) (HTML version)
Karel ende Elegast, by Shevek - 335 (2012)
Kill Murdoock!!, by Neo - 192 (2004)
Kill Murdoock! 2, by Neo - 242 (2006)
Kill the Hippies, by Joshriot - 115 (2002) (117 in Article version)
Kill the Hippies... Again, by Joshriot - 170 (2003)
Kingdom of Chaos, The, by Nawal - 286 (2008)
Knight Soup, by Synbi - 329 (2011)
Knight's Tale, A, by SabreTrout - 128 (2002) (129 in Article version)
Knight's Tale 2, A, by SabreTrout - 162 (2003)
Knight's Tale Trois: Knight of the Round, by SabreTrout - 191 (2004)
Labyrinth, by Jeff Speed - 025 (1998) (026 in HTML version)
Land of Transforming Ducks, by Zellfaze2 - 226 (2005)
Legend of Pärnu, The, by Timo Jyrisoo - 113 (2002) (115 in Article version)
Legend of Smallwood: A Dink to the Past, by Kevin Bugin and David Goode - 022 (1998) (023 in HTML version)
Legend of TerraEarth, The, by Christiaan Janssen - 187 (2001, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Legend of the Ancients: The Capture, by Zeddexx - 294 (2009)
Legend of the Dink: The Beginning, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 257 (2007)
Legend of the Dink II: The Ancient Book, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 260 (2007)
Legend of the Dink III: The Fall of Imperial Seth, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 263 (2007)
Legend of the Dink Special Edition: Rand's Quest for Axe, The, by GOKUSSJ6 - 261 (2007)
Legend of the Duck, The, by Chris McNeely - 100 (2001) (Article version)
Legend of the Pillbug, by Nam Hoang - 129 (2002) (130 in Article version)
Legend's Tale, by Tallis and Kyle - 085 (2000) (HTML version)
Lost Amulet, The, by Carrie2004 - 253 (2007)
Lost Forest Romp, by Scratcher - 341 (2012)
Lost in Dink, by Dan Walma - 028 (1998) (HTML version)
Lost Shoes, The, by VB - 303 (2009)
Lumbergh Legacy, The, by Marpro - 287 (2008)
Lyna's Story, by Paul Pliska - 133 (2002) (134 in Article version)
Magical Mayhem, by Erwin Bosch - 284 (2008)
Malachi the Jerk, by Tim Maurer and Leprochaun - 343 (2014)
Marco Polo, by RadFrog - 264 (2007)
Matoya, by Astral - 197 (2004)
Mayhem, by Paul Pliska - 158 (2003)
Mike Dingwell's First D-Mod, by Mike Dingwell - 034 (1999) (HTML version)
Mike the Magician, by Bunniemaster - 037 (1999) (HTML version)
Milderr!!, by Sharp - 081 (2000) (HTML version)
Milderr!! 2: The Adventure in Finland, by Sharp - 096 (2001) (Article version)
Milderr!! 3: End of Questing, by Sharp - 118 (2002) (120 in Article version)
Moneyspell, The, by Nick Vervaeke - 093 (2001) (Article version)
Monster House, The, by Timo Jyrisoo - 112 (2002) (114 in Article version)
Monstery Dimension, A, by Undink1 - 266 (2007)
Moon Child, by Leprochaun - 342 (2013)
Moorack and the Pillbugs, by Layne Phillips and Phil Triolo - 026 (1998) (014 in HTML version)
Mrs. Scarlet's Murder Mystery, by Zail - 080 (2000) (HTML version)
Mystery Island, by RTSoft: 002 (1998) (HTML version)
New Shores: The Maori, by Kyle and Tallis - 127 (2002) (128 in Article version)
9 Gems of Life, The, by JVeenhof and Wolfblitz - 057 (2000) (HTML version)
9 Gems of Life 2, The, by JVeenhof and Wolfblitz - 070 (2000) (HTML version)
Norman the Killer Tree, by Jonathon Manning - 083 (2000) (HTML version)
North, by WarPlague - 176 (2003)
Of Life - Black Guild, by Blackguard - 272 (2007)
Okaly-D Dink, by Okaly-D Dude - 097 (2001) (Article version)
Old Hero New Thief, by Zeddexx - 293 (2009)
Once a Hero, by SabreTrout - 229 (2005)
Once in a Lifetime, by Simeon - 117 (2002) (119 in Article version)
One Scren D-Mod Compilation, by various authors - 274 (2007)
Orion, The, by Jonathon Manning - 058 (2000) (HTML version)
Other World - Nature BattleFields, The, by Mimifish - 125 (2001, but appears in the 2002 topic) (105 in 2001 Article version)
Outlander, by Amoebalord - 216 (2005)
Perilous Journey, A, by James Perley - 140 (2002) (Article version)
Phantasmagoria, by Roger Maynard - 045 (1999) (HTML version)
Picnic Perils, by RadFrog - 249 (2007)
Pilgrim's Quest, by Simon Klaebe - 139 (2002) (Article version)
Pinky the Pig, by JugglingDink - 324 (2010)
Pirates of Portown, by Dinkmega - 135 (2002) (136 in Article version)
PlaneWalker, by SabreTrout - 144 (2002) (Article version)
Platform Dink, by Iplaydink - 305 (2010)
Pointless, by Thom C. Vedder - 010 (1998) (HTML version)
Pokémon: Bible Edition, by Skorn - 354 (2015)
Power of Blood, by JugglingDink - 330 (2011)
Prelude, by Joshriot - 238 (2006)
Progeny, by Simon Klaebe - 183 (2004)
Project A.N.Y., by Sergthegod - 278 (2007)
Prophecy of the Ancients, by Gary & Tony Hertel - 031 (1998) (HTML version)
Quel, by Metatarasal - 339 (2012)
Quest, The, by Srednar - 230 (2006)
Quest of Life Part 1, The, by Stephen Martindale - 074 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest of Life Part 2, The, by Stephen Martindale - 075 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest for Arithia Part 1: The Ninth Lock, The, by Mike Snyder - 005 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Arithia Part 2: The Rozarus, The, by Mike Snyder - 006 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Arithia Part 3: Elemental Peace, The, by Mike Snyder - 007 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Cheese, The, by Jamie Boettger - 029 (1998) (HTML version)
Quest for Dorinthia, The, by Bill Szczytko - 054 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest for Dorinthia II: The Island Revenge, by Bill Szczytko - 060 (2000) (HTML version)
Quest for Dorinthia III: Nymera's Quest, by Bill Szczytko - 345 (2014)
Quest for Dorinthia: Special Edition, by Bill Szczytko - 336 (2012)
Quest for Food, The, by GlennGlenn - 172 (2003)
Quest for Not Quite as Lame, The, by Pillbug - 298 (2009)
Quest for the Gems, by Metatarasal - 213 (2005)
Quest for the Golden Nut, by James Perley - 131 (2002) (132 in Article version)
Quest of Glandor, by John M. Hagen and Christiaan Janssen - 119 (2002) (121 in Article version)
Rascal, by Blackduke - 157 (2003)
Reconstruction: The Freedmen's Bureau, by Dan Walma - 048 (1999) (HTML version)
Red Jacket Murders, by Carrie2004 - 227 (2005)
Red Shield, by Someone - 276 (2001, but appears in the 2007 topic)
Return to Rathor, by Carrie2004 - 235 (2006)
Revenge of the Cast, by Layne Phillips and Phil Triolo - 027 (1998) (HTML version)
Revenge of the Ducks, by JVeenhof - 084 (2000) (HTML version)
Revenge of the Ducks 2, by JVeenhof - 091 (2001) (Article version)
Revenge of the Ducks 3: Enter the Smallwood, by JVeenhof - 104 (2001) (106 in Article version)
Revenge of the Pigs, by GlennGlenn - 154 (2003)
Revenge of the Pillbugs, by DuckKiller4 - 195 (2004)
Richard's Attack, by Mahdi - 035 (1999) (HTML version)
Rings of Destiny, The, by Micheal Tolland - 094 (2001) (Article version)
Rise of the Goblins, by Skull and his dad - 270 (2007)
Rise of the Rebels, by Cybermonkey - 082 (2000) (HTML version)
Rivals, The, by ThinkDink and DareDink - 165 (2003)
River, The, by Synbi - 319 (2010)
Saga, The, by Xanthos and Vigilante - 066 (2000) (HTML version)
Savebot Massacre, The, by Sparrowhawk and Pillbug - 296 (2009)
Scar of David, The, by Mike Snyder - 003 (1998) (HTML version)
Scar of David 2: Search for the Scarf, The, by Thom C. Vedder - 013 (1998) (HTML version)
Scary Beast, The, by GlennGlenn - 246 (2006)
Scourger, The, by Metatarasal - 228 (2005)
Search for Milli Vanilli, The, by Seth Robinson - 001 (1998) (HTML version)
Search for Mother, by Lunacre - 205 (2004)
Search for the Green Mushrom, The, by GlennGlenn - 152 (2003)
Search for the Treasure, The, by Vilius Tamoðiûnas - 126 (2002) (127 in Article version)
Secret of Amehoela, by Christiaan Janssen - 186 (2001, but appears in the 2004 topic)
Secret of Parizaya, by Christiaan Janssen - 105 (2001) (107 in Article version)
Shadow Guild, The, by Lurvas - 065 (2000) (HTML version)
Shadows of Death, by DinkKiller - 353 (2015)
Silence, by Megadog - 351 (2015)
Sjoerd's Quest, by MTG - 193 (2004)
Slimes, The, by Ethan - 033 (1999) (HTML version)
Slimes VS Dink, by TA - 198 (2004)
Slaughterhouse, The, by Kevin Kazimir - 012 (1998) (HTML version)
Smallwood-Man!, by Skorn - 323 (2010)
Spy Number 13, The, by Scratcher - 138 (2001, but appears in the 2002 topic) (103 in 2001 Article version)
StarDink, by Dan Walma - 038 (1999) (HTML version)
Stone of Balance, by Simon Klaebe - 079 (2000) (HTML version)
Stupid Penguins, by Carrie2004 - 211 (2005)
Sword of Paranor: Forgotten Realms, The, by Silencer - 011 (1998) (HTML version)
Tears of the Devil, by Merder - 265 (2007)
Terrania, by Carrie2004 - 215 (2005)
Three Amulets, by Iplaydink - 307 (2010)
Three New Heroes, by Martijn van Sliedregt - 124 (2002) (126 in Article version)
Tile Puzzle, by MiloBones - 224 (2005)
Town Over, A, by Anton Frolov - 092 (2001) (Article version)
Tragic Death of Zink Smallwood, The, by Tim Maurer - 019 (2000, but appears in the 1998 topic) (020 in HTML version)
Trapped, by GOKUSSJ6 - 268 (2007)
Treasure Battles, The, by Erwin Bosch - 225 (2005)
Trials of a Boy: Enter the Iceland, by DinkDude95 - 334 (2012)
Triangle Mover, by Paul Pliska - 184 (2004)
True of Life, by Timo Jyrisoo - 107 (2001) (109 in Article version)
Tutorial Island, by Vilius Tamoðiûnas - 122 (2002) (124 in Article version)
Twins, by Binirit - 159 (2003)
2001: A Dink Oddyssey, by Tim Maurer - 017 (1998) (018 in HTML version)
Ultimate Challenge, The, by Dinkholland and Missdink - 207 (2005)
Unfinished Business, by GameHampe - 180 (2003)
Vagabond's Quest, by Ethan - 069 (2000) (HTML version)
Valhalla, by SabreTrout - 333 (2011)
Very Dink Christmas, A, by MiloBones - 231 (2006)
Victim of Life, by GlennGlenn - 164 (2003)
Where's Likko?, by DinkDude95 - 316 (2010)
Woods, The, by Endy - 349 (2014)
World of DinkC, by Simeon - 151 (2003)
Zach the Marine, by Chaotic - 212 (2005)
Zoltron, by Paco and Instalite - 042 (1999) (HTML version)
It really puts the whole scale of what you've made into perspective when you line up all the DMODs like that. Congratulations on completing this project, and I wish I had as much dedication to my own personal project as you've had for this. I've always had some trouble with motivating myself, but when I need a reason to get some work done, I will try remembering just how much work you put into this.
Thanks, Tim. And don't be afraid to celebrate with your favorite meal and/or drink!
Thanks, Tim. And don't be afraid to celebrate with your favorite meal and/or drink!

Very, very impressive.
So now will you be doing these things whenever a certain amount of dmods are released?
I don't currently have any plans like that.