The Dink Network

Contest Update: Evil Hero D-Mod

April 2nd 2003, 10:41 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
A quick update about the Evil Hero D-Mod Contest:

Right now it looks like we're going to be giving away a real prize for the winner of the contest, and probably not something from The Dink Network Store. The current idea for the real prize will be any RPG (Morrowind, Pokemon, Neverwinter Nights, Final Fantasy, etc) of the winner's choosing, up to a $40-50 limit (to be decided).

And remember, you have just under two months left. That should be plenty of time, even if you haven't started yet.

For the rest of the details about the Evil Hero D-Mod Contest, check out the original announcement.

April 3rd 2003, 09:31 PM
sorry. heh heh