The Dink Network

text editor

March 11th 2003, 07:04 PM
Hey I cant find my text editor for dmod it does come with the game right...if some ok could like send me one or something...I proboly deleted it when I cleaned out that fonlder
March 11th 2003, 07:06 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Dink doesn't come with a text editor... just use Notepad or Wordpad or whatever strikes your fancy. I'm partial to UltraEdit 32, which rocks.

Or you could try Easy DinkC or CEdit, if you want a dedicated DinkC editor.
March 11th 2003, 07:09 PM
Hey Redlink1 why did some one even make a text editor its a waste of time i mean you can do just as good with Wordpad Notepan Txt files and other crap.

March 11th 2003, 07:36 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Well, UltraEdit 32 isn't just a text editor... it has syntax highlighting (supporting almost any language, html, java, perl, C, C++, DinkC [well, sorta, as C and DinkC have similar styles, so it highlights about the same]). And UltraEdit 32 can support text files up to like 2 GB in size without much slow down. Notepad is limited to something like 50-60 KB.

It also has an excellent Find/Replace feature, good organization of all open files, a built-in hex editor, support for other text formats (like Unicode), and tons of other features that just aren't available in Notepad or Wordpad. Its just good.
March 11th 2003, 08:05 PM
Well i dont know i still dont like them well thats my apinion