i think this pack is pretty good!
\\Good stuff
It has many scripts that any lazy author
( like me! ) can use, it's good with many other types of food, like
"fruit and vedgetables" , i've never tried them out, maybe i'll use them in my next D-mod!
\\Bad stuff
Draconic dink said that there would be weapon scripts too, (if you read this, Draconic dink, and you wont remember, just think of what you said when i offered my spear graphic...) as it only has barrels, (and hearts, on the ground, details, details...)it's not as good as it could be...
The new green potion is good, maybe someone can use it for a posioned potion, or something else, but maybe it's to dark on the edges and too bright in the middle, but overall it's good.
Well, overall a good pack!
\\Good stuff
It has many scripts that any lazy author
( like me! ) can use, it's good with many other types of food, like
"fruit and vedgetables" , i've never tried them out, maybe i'll use them in my next D-mod!
\\Bad stuff
Draconic dink said that there would be weapon scripts too, (if you read this, Draconic dink, and you wont remember, just think of what you said when i offered my spear graphic...) as it only has barrels, (and hearts, on the ground, details, details...)it's not as good as it could be...
The new green potion is good, maybe someone can use it for a posioned potion, or something else, but maybe it's to dark on the edges and too bright in the middle, but overall it's good.
Well, overall a good pack!