The Dink Network

Attack of the Army (The)

The titular attack of the army. From the COTPATD project. A dead wizard Visiting the king.
March 19th, 2005
Score : 4.3 tolerable
Storyline: An army attacks a island and you must go kill the leader of the army.

Gameplay: This Dmod takes no skill! You find potions everywhere and the puzzles are so easy its, well a word I cant say on the Dink Network. By the time you found the not so secret, secret you can kill all the monsters in one shot!

Graphics: Nothing new, and the set-up is poor by the end you could see the creator ran out of map design inspiration with a flurry of blank and boring screens

Music: None what so ever, even for the final battle.

Final Thoughts: This one is almost as bad as Bishops Quest 1! I hated it, but saying that I still had more fun with it than with Bishops Quest.
Good: Its Short, very, very short
Bad: Lack of music and graphics and the poor story